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A Requiem For The Capitol Waste, Will We Ever See It Again?


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It was not until recently I discovered such an amazing mod but no matter how much I scrounge and dig around it seems impossible to find. The file is hidden and the author nowhere to be found. Is there a reason behind this? Did an admin get butt hurt and ban them? Or did the author simply feel it was time to take it down? If so is he doing it to make improvements with compatibility? What is the reason I cant find this damned mod! Most of all will it ever be put back up? If there is a resource in which I can obtain it email it to me at terrinskyy@aimcom. Thank you.
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We were told to take the files down. I'd watch your tone when it comes to the admins.

Hey man calm down, if that is how people react to indirect criticism maybe they need restaffed. I didn't go and make a direct statement in mention of a specific individual. I was throwing out possibilities. Sometimes people, even ones that are to be respectable (not respected) individuals, are in a lighter word. Immature. People who are supposed to be professional and act so sometimes don't and will do something out of anger or misplaced feeling to a certain person or group and will do what they can like take down their file. I'm not saying it did happen but the reason being was unclear. If you are an admin, and from a professional standpoint, you should watch your tone with those that use this site. Without them you're nothing. The very foundation of what holds this community could be torn asunder because of people who feel they are above the average person just because they have a few different privileges. I preach this for a living. I'm a business coordinator. I know what I'm saying here. Edited by Terrinskyy
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It was removed from public download by the site owner.


Your tone and attitude have proven to be less than impressive here to be honest, if this is what you do for a profession I'd recommend a change of career.

Plus, to be blunt I'm also not fond of people making baseless attacks on this site and the staff without checking their facts first, you made a baseless claim without knowing anything about the situation. That displays an amazing lack of foresight on your part.


As for professionalism? I hereby professionally remove you from this site for unwarranted attacks on the staff.

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