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Oblivion Shining Light Skin and Materiel Anyone Knows Tweak


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Not sure what else to suggest.


Looks from the video that you are using the vanilla game heads, but I can tell you that even using Oblivion Character Overhaul version 2 isn't a magic bullet. At times, under certain lighting conditions I still see washed out faces myself.


What I use is something that many will not find very useful. I call it "Selective Vision" (joking refer to it as my "patented solution"). It works 100% of the time that I use it.

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Striker879 thx for your help an care,


I forget it but it should be HGEC Female body replacer that I use but hands and foots still vanilla(I know about heads, we should change in bsa files)


I hv changed that data dates but still not seeing some meshes i guess.


Yes as like you said , sometimes we shouldnt see the bugs(perfectionist), but still if i know how change this shining skin, yes i will.


I am giving you a kudo and adding you my friends list



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Not sure what else to suggest.


Looks from the video that you are using the vanilla game heads, but I can tell you that even using Oblivion Character Overhaul version 2 isn't a magic bullet. At times, under certain lighting conditions I still see washed out faces myself.


What I use is something that many will not find very useful. I call it "Selective Vision" (joking refer to it as my "patented solution"). It works 100% of the time that I use it.

Striker879 thx for your help an care,


I forget it but it should be HGEC Female body replacer that I use but hands and foots still vanilla(I know about heads, we should change in bsa files)


I hv changed that data dates but still not seeing some meshes i guess.


Yes as like you said , sometimes we shouldnt see the bugs(perfectionist), but still if i know how change this shining skin, yes i will.


I am giving you a kudo and adding you my friends list



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So I'm guessing you are using the Steam version of the game ... do you also use or have OBMM installed?


- Edit - Something else that is important when using HGEC is that you have a clothing and armor replacer that is HGEC compatible. My recommendation for HGEC plus equipment replacer is EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion.

Edited by Striker879
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OK from what I know about the GOG version it doesn't suffer from the problems that the Steam version has with breaking BSA Redirection.


Do you have OBMM installed, or which method did you use for setting up archive invalidation?

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OBMM has a rather simple way to implement archive invalidation ... click the Utilities button, select Archive Invalidation from the menu and then in the dialogue that opens select BSA Redirection, it won't hurt anything to click on Reset BSA Timestamps and then Update Now. Close OBMM and see if it makes any difference.

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