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Problem Linking a door in Creation Kit


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I'm working on a small house mod. Ive got a seperate cell containing the house's interior, and im looking to link its door to a door I placed in The Ratway. Whenever I try to link the doors together, the teleport marker appears in the interior of the house, but there is none for the door in the ratway. When I teleport to the marker (that should be in front of the door I added in the ratway), i'm teleported high above the Ratway cell, no marker to be found. Wondering what I might be doing wrong.


The doors themselves are named individually, so theres no chance of mismatching door id's or anything like that.

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Try replacing both doors and linking them again. (I link doors using the "Select Reference in Render Window") Also make sure that on the yellow door makers the arrow is pointing away from the door and that the entire marker is level with the ground and completely outside the door.
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  • 4 years later...

Found this discussion in a search. Hope you don't mind if I ask a question. I too have a player house with door problems. I linked the door and can go into the house alright, however I cannot exit from the same door. I found the yellow marker upstairs in front of a bedroom door. I moved the yellow marker to the inside front of the front door, but it doesn't change anything. I still have to exit the house from the upstairs bedroom door. Any ideas? Maybe I should just redo the doors?

Edited by Kimbra
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Might want to try the Creation Kit forum a block down. Mod creators hang out over there. We're hapless fools who try to diagnose crashes and the like over here.


Kind of masochistic I suppose.

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