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What Paper-n-Dice RPG do you play?


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For quite a while, I played Marvel Super Heros. It was a bit simpler than AD&D. Then we moved on a little bit to AD&D. Now Stangeways and myself have been developing our own B'n'D RPG for 4 years. I am toying with the idea of making it in to a Morrowind mod.


And I am nearly 23 (28, June)

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Let's see, to answer the questions:


I started out with the basic D&D set that came in a box with little figurines that could be painted and had little cheap plastic dice. After a while, I tried GURP, Warhammer, Truck Stop and Car Wars, Marvel Super Heroes, Shadowrun and AD&D. And currently, I am working on a P 'n' D game with Van Dorssen.


My favorite games were AD&D, Marvel and Car Wars. GURP was my least favorite.


As for age, 32.

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I've played AD&D 2nd and 3rd edition, Star Wars for both West End and d20, GURPS and 7th Sea.


My least favorite is GURPS and my favorite is 7th sea. I have about 5 years experience off an on (usually one or to campaigns a year) and have run two successful campaigns and one failed.


I'm 20 right now and after this semester I'll probably put the table top RPG away in the memory vault, it's been fun but it's time to move on. I enjoy comp RPG's and the RP threads here on the forum, but trying to coordinate a 5-6 hour session amidst hectic schedules is too much effort to really want to run games.

just started a new Jedi Order era campaign for Star Wars D20

I'm sorry, I really hope whatever campaign you're in doesn't follow the main storyline, cause frankly it blows. On the flip side of the coin it could completely change the entire dynamic of the galaxy and effectively burn those horribly written novels.

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19 and a relative newbie at this RPG thing.... played D&D and half a Star Wars d20 campaign, first learned the games a bit less than a year ago. Would play more, but as Thanateros said, getting people for a game isn't too easy. So looks like it's forum games for me as well.
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I am not rich, nor snobby. As for sports: they mostly suck, and I consider that good taste.


I live in a small town so have no one to play with but used to play D&D/shadow runs. THis summer though I'll be traveling 4 hours one way to get to a friends house to play AD&D.


I am 17.

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I don't know what's called in english but in dutch it's "Oog des Meesters" and in german it's called "die Schwartzen Auge" or something like that. I played it from age 12 to 16. After that I moved, and with new people I played some AD&D but I hated it because fighting and character development lacks a lot of depth, and the magic system just plain sucks (memorizing is the most stupid idea I've ever heard of).
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