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MLP - FiM - Any bronies here?


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Bronies..... I REALLY dont understand the appeal of this MLP thing.....


Not to be a basher or a pro-horsie thing



but WHY?!?!?! c:


Oh Im a scaley... dunno if that is different to furriess or what everer...


Argonians for Emperior!


Or is it a tree fetish?

Edited by nofear88
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Bronies..... I REALLY dont understand the appeal of this MLP thing.....


Nor do I. Don't get the "scaley" thing either. Don't particularly want to. Some people are into fat people. Really skinny people. Piercings. Tattoos. Neither. Long hair. Short hair. Body mods. Trees. Lactose intolerant pandas. Lizards wearing ponchos. You name it and there'll be somebody into it and chances are you'll never understand. You want what you want and there's nothing common sense, decency, rationale or anything else will do to stop it. These people have about as much choice over it as we do over breathing in and out, so I don't really see much point in getting all worked up about it.

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My only regret Lurker is that people do tend to shove it in your face. I don't think a program called friendship is magic was created with the intention of evangelism, but you certainly get it all over the net these days.


People can like whatever they want to, that's their perogative, the problem is when they start screaming at you for not being like them. Live and let live.

Edited by Vindekarr
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