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Fund Raising in Foreign countries.


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You know, what are the chances for Congress to change it's electorial laws to ban Super Pacs, party "donations" from coparations and lobby groups and Fund Raising like these?


Two. Slim, and None.


I really can't see congress voting into effect campaign finance reform laws that would cut off their gravy train.

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You know, what are the chances for Congress to change it's electorial laws to ban Super Pacs, party "donations" from coparations and lobby groups and Fund Raising like these?


Two. Slim, and None.


I really can't see congress voting into effect campaign finance reform laws that would cut off their gravy train.


Like babies addicted to breast milk. You have to sometimes wonder what would US look like if it never rebeled from the UK.

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Its pretty clear to me that it is Israel's motive to get the US involved in a war with Iran, and for that I despise their government. It makes us look like hypocrites supporting Israel, while outing other countries for human rights violations, when Israel is a huge human rights violator for what they are doing to the Palestinians. No wonder the world hates the USA. We take the hypocritical moral high ground while backing countries who commit atrocities if there is some sort of political reason for it. There is no way we got the right to denounce China or Syria, for human rights violations when we back Israel who basically put an entire ethnic group behind a wall. As far as I'm concerned the Israelis are no ally of ours. And if I had anything to say about it they would be getting 0 military or financial aid, and would be denied to purchase any weapons technology from US companies. I'd make a demand of Israel, and I'd only make it once, go back to 1967 borders, and treat your neighbors like humans, or be alone in the middle east. Most of the land taken after the 1967 borders was Jewish extremist settlers running Palestinian farmers off their lands. And they are still doing it to this day. And the Israeli military supports them.


And this whole mess with the superpacs was started when they passed the Mccain/Feingold bill. It basically opened the doors for an unlimited amount of finances to push an unlimited amount of vitriol during elections. There are limits on donations to specific candidates, but anyone can donate as much as they want to a superpac, whether its a corporation, or a very rich individual. Getting elected is more about who can get the most vitriol on the air to smear the other candidate and destroy their public image. The American political system is truly pathetic.

Edited by Beriallord
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