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Frequent problems with non-moving lips when packing .bsa's?


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I've had this problem before, but I somehow managed to sort it out, but I can't remember how (It was probably just luck).


Anyway, I'm getting an annoyingly persistent bug when packing .bsa's of my mods. Even though I pack the .wav voice files and corresponding .lip files in the correct places, when I test it out in-game the NPC's voice is there but I get no lip movement.


It's frustrating as all the files are there and in the correct places.


Anyone else had this before?


Thanks in advance

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Custom voiced dialog in Skyrim is really buggy. Custom .wav + .lip files frequently fail to play on computers they were not built on. They can even fail to play on the computer they were built on. The fix is to turn them into .fuz files with Unfuzer. Unfortunately this is not a very good fix because then you run into the bug where custom .fuz files will not play on all the computers of downloaders. But the .fuz bug is rarer than the .wav + .lip file bug, so the current best practices approach is to use .fuz files.


(Skyrim quest-coding stinks!)

Edited by David Brasher
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I went for the FUZ option in the end- looks like that's what I did before as I found the Unfuzer program whilst rummaging around my downloads folder. Everything works okay with the lips now.
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