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Improved Weapons and Armour Through CK


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Hello all,


I've been trying to figure out how improved weapons and armour (as in exquisite, flawless, epic, legendary) function mechanically. I'm new to modding but not a complete idiot when it comes to object oriented shenanigans so I was wondering if somebody could be so kind as to point me in the right direction. Is there in fact any way to add improved items into the game?


Thanks for your time!

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Every vanilla weapon/armor in the game has a "Temper" object. It tells the game stuff like what perks, what items, what location(grindstone or table), or other requirements you need to temper a weapon/armor. I'm not sure what you mean by add improved item into the game.
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Thanks for your help, Richie.


What I'm trying to do is give an NPC a weapon that has already been tempered and I've been surprised to learn that it doesn't seem to work like enchanting at all. It's deceptively complex to my mind. Again, thanks for the heads up, I'll start rooting around these temper recipes when I work up the courage.

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No problem.

You are right I couldn't find anything that edits the different levels of tempering. The only thing I can think of is if you improve the weapons yourself and give them to the npc as your follower or you can make a copy of the weapon that the npc carries, change the name to "legendary weapon", improve the stats so it does legendary damage, don't use a temper object for it(so it can't be improved beyond legendary stats), and give the npc that weapon.

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