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Won't ever finish 1.7 patch download

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I am trying to get the FWE mod to start with, thats where all this starts. So in order to do that, i have to download FOSE, which i do and try to install. It pops up saying i dont have the latest version of Fallout 3. SO i went to bethsoft and downloaded patch 1.7 to get FOSE to install. The patch replaced my original Fallout3.exe and made it the PATCH version (not sure if it was supposed to do that, but it did) and made it a grey pip boy instead of the normal yellowish pip boy icon. So i click the now grey icon to download the patch, but the problem is that the patch gets to 100% and then once it seems like its finished, it tells me again "Fallout 3 will now be patched to version 1.7" and it keeps doing this. I went with it for at least 15 times before getting annoyed. I uninstalled the game and reinstalled it twice already and that did not work. I dont know what else to do, and im noticing that a lot of other mods require FOSE to, mods that im interested in so i figured id take this up on the forums. Please help me. Thank you! :dance:
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jordanb1992y - Hello!


BlackRampage is correct, GOTY version of Fallout 3 is already the latest version & does not need to be patched.


Fallout 3 GOTY is version, the very latest.


You can see Fallout 3's version by going to the main menu, selecting Settings - Display & it will be in the bottom left corner.


Hope this helps!



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