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Werewolf player mode


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Heyo everyone,


So I remember trying werewolf when Skyrim first came out, and I wasn't really impressed with it. After all the mods that have been released, especially re-balancing ones I decided to try one again. The biggest thing that bothered me though was a lack of 1st person. I'm sure this is probably just a preference, but beyond just that it also kinda bothered me I had no acess to anything player related. Such as the map.


I messed around a bit in the CK, though didn't really see where it was scripted that you are forced into kind of an enemy mode. I even went as far as to change the werewolf race, to player options instead of monster options. Now one thing I didn't even realize, after doing this was that werewolves lack sneak. So now, due to the fact I enabled the werewolf race as a pc, I can actually sneak in werewolf mode.


I'm willing to just do this myself, but I was curious if either there is a mod like this that exists, or if anyone has any ideas on how to do this.

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Not yet, but I'll see if I can find that. That reminds me of another thing I'd remove lol. As for the sneaking part it was only because I changed the model of the werewolf to a race model. I can't recall if I remember or not, but I think this allowed me to open doors as well as a werewolf.


I'm by no means a scripting expert, that's why I was curious if anyone else happened to either know the specifics or at least where to look.

Edited by Silvist
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Alright after I looked and looked I finally realized something very odd, that the script basically makes you become a quest. I guess in someways the explains why you have no pc functions as a werewolf, now I wonder how to get rid of it. Edited by Silvist
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