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What female nude body install?


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I tried EVB and CBBE. Both had bugs and I could never solve them. CBBE had a brown outline around the women's head, EVB had a horrible and very evident neckline. Yes, i follow the instruction in CBBE and not solve. Not other woman body mod. For EVB i don't know what is the issue, onestly.

I do not know what to try, I do not really care about a specific mod but something simple. Ehy, click on install, fine, now if you get naked you're naked. I just want it for the immersive experience. What should I download? would someone give me suggestions? really, the simplest mod but not a nudity costume, a real naked body under the clothes but that is installed and that's enough without worrying about settings or anything else.

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I'd recomend CBBE with IDA (pubic hair, so she doesnt look like a teen).

I understand you feel ignored, I'm sorry for that, but the issue you're experiencing is probably a misorder (of different Installations) of your mods.
Body mods can be very delicate, specialy if you try them all out.

On SEVERAL occasions, despite knowing what I was doing, I managed to completly mess up my characters, unrestorable, by just adding another mod.
It was like, nippels on the belly, and other parts of the body (texture wise) everywhere, but not where it should have been.
At that point i was VERY happy that the face is handled seperatly...

With the aim to help, i'll post my load order, up to the point where I add all other mods, as that is beyond/after the 'critical part' of your concern.

# BASICS	// LoadOrder's: 01-0F
*Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp
*Armorsmith Extended.esp
*LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp
*Lots More Female Hairstyles.esp
*The Eyes of Beauty.esp
The Eyes of Beauty Looking Stranger.esp
*Playable Synth Eyes.esp
# Clothing	// LoadOrder's: 0F-22

Best Approach (regardless of mod Manager or Manual installations):

* Start with a Fresh game Installation

* install CBBE / EVB / AB / JB (but just ONE, not two, never! - at least I had VERY bad experiences doing so, as you just described)

* install Bodyslide

* Install IDA (trimed pubic)

* Start game (or just bodyslide) and verify it works

* Save Mod Profile as preset, create a new copy of this preset for mods you add in the Futures

* If you dont use a mod Manager, do all this in a seperate Folder, which you 'then' copy into the game Folder -> if it works, great -> do all future INSTALL's in the game dir, if it then works, install the mod in that seperate dir


hth, it's all suggestions with aim to help, but everything you do is on your own Risk!

Edited by Sephrajin
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Hello, thank you for answering me!

I do not know if in my post I seemed unpleasant, in this case I apologize. English is not my native language and I do not realize if I can seem rude in what I write, I'm trying to improve.

As for CBBE and EVB, however, I did not install them together. I tried CBBE first, I saw it was causing problems and I uninstalled it. Then I tried EVB, I saw the line on the neck (not a linette, just a deformation) and I uninstalled it.

I will try some textures as you suggest, but I would prefer to try them on EVB because it seems much lighter than CBBE and I do not want to weigh down the game. In general on the bodies I have not installed anything else, apart from the male bodies that work well (except with shirtless clothes). For the rest my mods are just: houses, clothes, utilities for ballistic weave or all armor on all clothes and nothing more particular.

this is my load order:






*Eli_Pride 76.esp

*See You Sleep CW editon - Beta.esp


*Eli_Rockin Red Rocket.esp

*Eli_Sanctuary Bunker.esp


*PrestonOverhaul 019FD9.esp

*keke-bu MacCready.2740E_1.0.2.esp



*Eli_Gage Overhaul.esp



*Vivid Fallout - All in One - Best Performance.esp

*Any Armour on Any Clothes - Legendary Edition.esp

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