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need help with the urwl


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hey I'm new to putting mods into skyrim and i just wanted to ask a question. i installed the ultra realistic world lighting (light version) mod using the nexus mod manager, i had a look at the beauty of it then thought about trying out the normal version. so while using the nexus manager i deactivated it and then deleted the light version out of the mods folder so it got rid of it from the plugins area. i then downloaded the normal version to see that one, so i opened it up with nexus manager and activated it. i started up skyrim, but when i got into my save it was just the light version. Do you know how to fix this?


thank you



Edited by samthemancpfc
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...using the nexus mod manager...

There's your problem.

Install manually.


Also, you need to make a clean save when upgrading mods. How to Do a Clean Save


when you say clean save do you mean a whole different save world?

It's basically making a save that has no information from the old mod you removed. That link tells you how to make one.

Also scroll up and read the "Nexus Mod Manager (NMM) Tips".

Edited by DizzasterJuice
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