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Your Army ( oblvion)


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say if you had a army in oblivion ( and only oblivion no where else) what would you do with them? and what armour and weapons you would give them


your army limit is 250 don't go over it


as for castle or home it could be whatever ( minus the citys)


no attacking here as well it justs for showing off



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  tyreil829 said:
if you had a army in oblivion what would you do with them?


no attacking here as well it justs for showing off

What's the point of having an army if you are not going to attack something or preparing to be attacked?
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I would march them all into Dagon's realm and claim it as my own! then i would make them all build me a giant tower like in Overlord!

i would equip 150 of them in Jerros and LHammonds Lost Paladins of the divines armor with Fabio Germanico leading them

Then 50 of them in Adonnays Ranger Coats with my yet to be found Ranger companion (anyone got any suggestions?) leading them

Then 25 of them in some cool robes (i'm tired =P) With Feria leading them

Then the last 25 of them in Assassins Creed Gear by Nexon with Altair leading them


me and my compainions http://i168.photobucket.com/albums/u184/ja...ScreenShot7.jpg


Edit: whoops just noticed in the background of the pic that fabio is impaling Altair


i Would use Mr_siika's Griffon Fortress to house them until my Giant Tower of Gothicness is finished. then i would use the Griffon fortress as my cyrodil outpost

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Rather generic I suppose, but I'd pick 250 Breton battle mages decked out in full Daedric armor and Daedric longswords. I didn't feel like making up a big detailed list :P. They'd have nice magic resistance as well as a good resistance to normal weapons. They would be able to heal themselves and use destruction magic for long range.
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One company(100 men) would be the Archers

Blizzard Arrows with Hatred soul and DB Master Armor(Banes guild united)

Another would be Warriors

Dressed in Berserker(pale_riders) armor with Witchking(banes witchking lair) helms and Reaver Scythes(banes guild)

The remaining would be mages dressed in Minnimarcos robes(again Banes guilds) with Apethosis














Cloud Ruler Temple

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Race(s): Nord

Armor: Fur, Leather, Pit Leather, Chain Mail, Mithril, Iron, Steel, Ebony

Weapon Grades (also goes for arrow types): Iron, Steel, Fine Steel, Silver, Ebony

Weapons: Longsword, Claymore, War Axe, Battle Axe, War Hammer, Bow


125 Warriors

100 Archers

24 Hybrid Warrior-Mages


And my own character:


My character is a Nord, wears Mithril armor and carries Frostmourne (a sword added in a mod) and a Daedric Bow with many types of arrows


With this many I could probably take all of Cyrodiil (I mean as far as the Oblivion engine, obviously the actual lore has more of a population)

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