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Mod with custom levellist script and bash patch


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I think this might be my first post and im not even sure if there is a different forum for skyrim Special edition, if so i appologize and hope someone can point me in the right direction, i only found the skyrim forum, this one.


Anyways. The mods in question is mainly https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/5019 Weapons of the third Era. And in the description it say that "Weapons added to level list via script so no bash patch/merged patch needed"


How will this work when im already using a bash patch ? i have quite a few other weapon mods and ive fixed the level list with a bash patch. Will this mods custom script inject itself into the bashpatch level list ? Or since the mod is earlier in the load order, will it inject into the game and then the bash patch will overwrite it ?


Using Mod organizer 2 if that is of any importance

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1. There is a Skyrim Special Edition section of the forums: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?c=4040,4045

2. What that mod is telling you is that if and only if that mod is the only mod you have which modifies leveled list then you do not need to make a bashed patch. If you have other mods that modify the leveled lists, then you still need a bashed patch. In essence, even after a bashed patch the aforementioned mod will add its items to whatever the then current leveled list might be.

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Thanks for the quick reply.

And again, apologies for using the wrong forum. I thought the forum order was like the games in the nexus. The most popular ones on top. Which i now see was far from the truth, but atleast my issue wasn't entirely game version dependant i guess

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