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Clone/copy weapon by script?

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Scriptname DropDupesScript extends Quest

Event OnQuestInit()
AddInventoryEventFilter(akFilter = None)
RegisterForRemoteEvent(Game.GetPlayer(), "OnItemRemoved")

Event ObjectReference.OnItemRemoved(ObjectReference akSenderRef, Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akDestContainer)
If !akDestContainer && akBaseItem As Weapon
ObjectReference Duplicate = akSenderRef.PlaceAtMe(akBaseItem)
;----- Needs F4se (GetAllMods) ----------------------------
If Duplicate
ObjectMod[] WeaponMods = akItemReference.GetAllMods()
If WeaponMods.Length > 0
Int i = 0
While i < WeaponMods.Length
i += 1
;----- Needs F4se End -------------------------------------
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Well, I've tested it and it works fine, at least for the weapons I've tested, there could be two reasons, the weapons I've tested are persistent references or, since you are dropping them to the world, they are no more in the inventory, so I think they actually have a reference.


Test the code before discarding it.

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Nope I dont think it will work, objects in containers dont have objectreference if they arent persistent. So when dropping that weapon from inventory akItemReference parameter of the onitemremoved event will be none

I think this issue only arises when using removeItem. The code also isn't checking for equipped items, which would only make the intended outcome complicating, if not impossible.

Edited by Rasikko
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