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Finish Dawnguard, Dragonborn, and main quest early


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It'd be nice to quickly wrap up dealing with the antagonists of skyrim if the player is up to the task by the time of the first encounter. It was always annoying that the antagonists would "easily" dispatch the player for story reasons, only for the final battle with them to be extremely easy, even for a guy like me who sucks at games. The first time I fought Alduin, Harkon, and Miraak they were easier to kill than some draugr deathlords or dragon priests, yet the player was somehow not ready to fight them due the scripted events. I think it's time to show the dovahkiin is ready before the games says we are. Here are some ideas to fix this problem:


Dawnguard (if you stayed loyal to the dawnguard): After you decline Harkon's offer to become a vampire you get a prompt asking whether or not you feel you are ready to take on the volkihar vampires. If you say yes then everyone in the castle except for Serana will turn hostile while Harkon retreats to the cathedral and wait for you to finish off the vampires (or stays and fights with his underlings). However if you say no, the quest resumes as normal. If you want to get Auriel's bow Serana could offer to go scroll hunting.


Dawnguard (if you sided with the vampires): Once the player is in the cathedral with Harkon you get a prompt asking if you want to betray Harkon. If you say yes you fight him then and there. After you win Garan Marethi shows up and congratulates you on beating Harkon and names you the lord of the castle. Afterwards he can send you on a quest to fill the blood chalice so you don't miss out on much. Once again Serana can offer to go scroll hunting as well. If you say no the quest will resume as normal.


Dragonborn: When you get transported to apocrypha via reading the black book in Miraak's temple, Miraak shocks you as he does normally. Once on the ground you get a prompt asking "are you going to let a weak a$$ shock spell like sparks keep you down?" If you say no then Miraak and his minions that are present turn hostile and you have to kill them. After they are dead Hermaeus-Mora gives his little speech about how he owns you now and teaches you two words of the bend will shout, leaving you to get the other word from the word wall on the northeast side of the island on your own. If you say yes then blah blah the quest is normal.


Main quest: After you learn the dragonrend shout and from the annoying cutscene and defeat Alduin you get a prompt asking if you want to finish him now. If yes then he gets back up and you have to kill him again. Once that's done Paarthurnax congratulates you on stopping Alduin and teaches you the word of power found in skuldafn. Some time later Odahviing shows up offering his service and teaches you the shout to call him. If no yada yada you get the idea.


If any talented modders read my post I beg you to make this happen. please

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