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Mass Effect 3 Extended Cut


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This is a question directed (more) specifically towards those of you that have played Mass Effect 3.


I am currently in the process of playing the game for the first time (no spoilers, please), and I have reached a dilemma; should I, or shouldn't I install the Extended Cut for the first time I finish it?


One part of me wants to see what all the fuss about the original ending is about, and if it is really as bad as everyone says it is, or if it is just over-hyped nonsense; the language of the internet is hyperbole, after all. On the other hand, you can only play something for the first time once, and I don't want to be left with a sour taste in my mouth after finishing an otherwise excellent trilogy.


Thank you for your time and input.




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the original ending was an awful plothole filled lore killing mess. the Extended Cut tries its best to fix the ending like adding an "escape screen" but it still doesnt make any sense. it does change stuff like the "garden of Eden" thing at the end.... because it was stupid. i get it, Shepherd is jesus, joker and EDI/ashley are adam and eve, and the planet is the garden of Eden. it was stupid.


i could go on about other plotholes that bioware tried their best to fill.


overall if ME3 had Extended Cut ending at the start i feel it wouldnt have got all the hate it got. i even liked most of the new ending.


edit: i only seen the 100% paragon, 100% complete all 3 games, miranda romance, blue color ending. i would see the red and green endings but it takes like 30 damn minutes to get to the ending from my last save and im too

lazy. i should just youtube them

Edited by hector530
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Get the EC and just go to youtube and watch for the original version there and judge for yourself after you finished your first play through.
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Yes, it just expands on the endings and most people like it. I really don't get it when people say plotholes and recons, it sort of makes those words more reduntant than they are.
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Ahh this game was such a disappointment. Don't get me wrong, I loved the previous two titles and I purchased them when they first came out. But when I started hearing negative comments about the ending the day because after the launch I decided not to purchase and ignore it save my buck for another thing.


Such a shame indeed.

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Ahh this game was such a disappointment. Don't get me wrong, I loved the previous two titles and I purchased them when they first came out. But when I started hearing negative comments about the ending the day because after the launch I decided not to purchase and ignore it save my buck for another thing.


Such a shame indeed.


ME3 was the best mass effect and i like i said if it had the Extended Cut was there from the start and not the rushed poorly thought out endings then ME3 wouldnt have had all the controversy it got... you know other then day 1 dlc and origin.

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Well, I've decided to play with the extended cut for the first time.


I blame EA for the poor ending; apparently they put a ridiculous deadline on Bioware for completion, and so they didn't have the time and/or resources to create the ending they wanted to have.


EA: Egotistical Autocracy

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