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Mass Effect 3 Extended Cut


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Well, I've decided to play with the extended cut for the first time.


I blame EA for the poor ending; apparently they put a ridiculous deadline on Bioware for completion, and so they didn't have the time and/or resources to create the ending they wanted to have.


EA: Egotistical Autocracy


BioWare had 27 months to bring out ME3 (MP bit was outsourced to BioWare Montrial), compared to 20 months for ME2. You can't just state it was EA's fault when they had enough time to start with (heck they even extend it for them). If anything, it goes to Drew and Mac for making a poor series from a story perpective and the rabid fans for making them change the ending. If anyone come up to me and state that ME had the best story in the entire series, I would be laughing at them.

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Well, I've decided to play with the extended cut for the first time.


I blame EA for the poor ending; apparently they put a ridiculous deadline on Bioware for completion, and so they didn't have the time and/or resources to create the ending they wanted to have.


EA: Egotistical Autocracy


BioWare had 27 months to bring out ME3 (MP bit was outsourced to BioWare Montrial), compared to 20 months for ME2. You can't just state it was EA's fault when they had enough time to start with (heck they even extend it for them). If anything, it goes to Drew and Mac for making a poor series from a story perpective and the rabid fans for making them change the ending. If anyone come up to me and state that ME had the best story in the entire series, I would be laughing at them.


That is true; it's not fair for me to blame EA for a poor deadline, as I am not a game developer, and I have no idea how a deadline like that would feel.


However, Mass Effect 3 was far larger than Mass Effect 2 (which seemed to consist of a whole lot of running around corridors shooting things, and then going back to your game of Risk). Don't get me wrong; ME 3 is quite similar; however, the amount of content put in is far greater.


I don't really know how much more work was put in those extra 7 months; perhaps a ton, perhaps very little. The "rabid fans" did indeed also play a part in the horrible ending (the original was leaked, so they changed it).


I dunno. Maybe I'm just biased against EA. They did deny funding for Mirror's Edge 2 because (and I quote), "It doesn't have multiplayer." :dry:


However, this is not a debate. This was merely intended as an informational thread. Feel free to discuss Mass Effect 3 here if you want, though. Just be sure to cover any spoilers up with the appropriate spoiler tag.

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That is true; it's not fair for me to blame EA for a poor deadline, as I am not a game developer, and I have no idea how a deadline like that would feel.


However, Mass Effect 3 was far larger than Mass Effect 2 (which seemed to consist of a whole lot of running around corridors shooting things, and then going back to your game of Risk). Don't get me wrong; ME 3 is quite similar; however, the amount of content put in is far greater.


I don't really know how much more work was put in those extra 7 months; perhaps a ton, perhaps very little. The "rabid fans" did indeed also play a part in the horrible ending (the original was leaked, so they changed it).


I dunno. Maybe I'm just biased against EA. They did deny funding for Mirror's Edge 2 because (and I quote), "It doesn't have multiplayer." :dry:


However, this is not a debate. This was merely intended as an informational thread. Feel free to discuss Mass Effect 3 here if you want, though. Just be sure to cover any spoilers up with the appropriate spoiler tag.


I know, many people do have a bad streak against EA but even with Drew in the dev team, ME 3 would still have a bad story (the entire series was flawed from the start with all the inconsistancese to lore). It's just Drew makes everything boring as and Mac is a Bay wannabe. Even giving them 40 months, it would be a waste of both EA and BioWare when they should be making DA3/ JE2/ new IP. ME3 is the best when it comes to gameplay of the entire series.

Edited by brokenergy
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