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Ulfric's successor if he were to die as High King


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If there is no direct heir then a moot has to be called. From there the Jarls vote to determine who they support as High King.


The question has already been answered. A moot is called to select a new high king and the honour traditionally goes to the heir of the old king.

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Actually coudln't the dragon born claim the throne based on the fact that he can wield the voice and that the emperor could do so too?

The situation has changed. In the three previous imperial dynasties (established by Alessia, Reman Cyrodiil, and Tiber Septim), the ruler HAD to be dragonborn to keep the Covenant of Akatosh. Only a dragonborn could wear the Amulet of Kings and light the Dragonfires that kept the doors of Oblivion closed. However, when Martin Septim was transformed into the avatar of Akatosh to end the Oblivion Crisis, the Amulet of Kings was destroyed and the Covenant of Akatosh was ended. There is now a permanent mystical barrier between Mundus and the Daedric Realms that prevents the Princes from invading, so there is no longer any need for the Amulet, the Dragonfires, or an emperor with dragon blood. Being dragonborn does not give a special claim on the imperial throne now.



Nonetheless, I still think the Dragonborn would still have some form of legitimacy to the Imperial Throne. While its no longer necessary for a Dragonborn Emperor, it would be somewhat desirable to have one. I mean, it is tradition, and the Church of the Divines would likely support such a movement.


But even if the player can't make a claim anymore, there is always the good old fashioned coup d'état.

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