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Using ESPs as a master file


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Ok, this thread has confused me. Could someone verify my process for making the Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions mod, the master of my player home mod?


1: Opened Wyre Bash and created an .esm of the Hearthfire mod.

2: Opened the CK with my mod set as active and the hearthfire .esm set as passive.

3: Made change to my mods .esp and saved.

-When looking at my mod in the Nexus Mod Managers plug in tab, it now shows the Hearthfire .esm as a master-


Where do I go from there? I'm seeing something about converting the Hearthfires .esm back to an .esp, but I fail to understand the need for this. I would then be left with 2 Hearth fire .esps and an .esm.

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