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Blue windows at night


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I know I should probably provide more info (like my load order) but since this is a very specific bug I kinda just want to see if anyone has encountered this and how they remedied it first. As far as mods go I'm using a lot of the most popular stuff so if there is a mod that's know to cause this bug then it's likely it.

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Are you using a "post processor" such as ENB or SweetFX? Otherwise, I would look into your installed "lighting" mods. Though the "blue" I see in the image is more like "blinds" in the window or shelving in a display case rather than lighting.



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  • 1 year later...

Most of the time when we don't have a solution it's because people fail to provide all the information asked for in the wiki "How to ask for help" article. This enables us to compare between different configurations encountering the same problem to see if we can spot things they have in common.


If the OP doesn't respond with a solution, please provide the requested info so we can start to acquire the data needed to pin down the problem.



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  • 7 months later...

The problem is the interior darkness setting for enb. Open your enb settings in game and turn down interior darkness levels. The brighter the interior level the brighter the blue. Fixed it for my friend who has super bright interiors, she scares easy. :laugh:

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