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Reinstalled, now crashes immediately


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So I was playing the game with quite a few mods installed just fine, but then decided that I would rather play without a lot of the mods I had installed. So I thought the easiest way to do this would be to just uninstall the game completely and re-install it.


However, I've just finished installing it, and now it crashes immediately as the game begins to start up, just showing a black screen with a small black window in the upper left corner, with the simple message "Oblivion has stopped working.".


When I uninstalled it, I uninstalled through Steam and then deleted the Oblivion folder that was left with all the mods in.


I have the GOTY edition on Steam.


Also, under Data Files, I have Oblivion.esm, DLCShiveringIsles.esp, and Knights.esp. The Shivering Isles file says Created by: nmcdyer, and the Knights says Created by: builds. Not sure if that's what it's supposed to be like or not..

Have tried running the game with and without them checked, with the same result.


Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.

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I'm seeing the same issue. It started Saturday when I opened the CS and got the message that "d3dx9_42.dll file is Missing or Not Found". The problem continued after a recommended restart followed by making sure that all drivers and DirectX where properly installed.


Following this I verified the "Integrity of the game cash" under steam and found it was a missing a few files which is then down loaded.

Before I opened the CS I opened to see if the game files still worked. Before doing that BOSS to make sure the mods where lined up right.


How ever loading Oblivion the saved game files would cause the game to crash to my desk top. So I then deleted the the the Oblvion.ini found in My Games\Oblivion only to have it continue crashing when I tried loading the game, BTW before you ask a new game caused the same issue.



Currently after a few re-installs (to see if that would fix the problem) I now have the same crashing to desk top issue.

Edited by Aurasoma
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