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Need help to build a BSA file


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I don't like to have thousands of uncompressed files and i would like to make some BSA files with meshes and textures for the armors of Hothtrooper44 (for my own use)

I have tried to make a BSA file with BSA Creator from FOMM and the file is OK, but the game doesn't load the textures.

It's strange because the armors look right in the inventory but not in the game

For example i made a BSA file for the samurai armor. I add the folders "Data/meshes/armor/Samurai" and "Data/textures/armor/Samurai" but it doesn't work. All the files are inside the BSA file but it seems that the game don't load them.

What is the correct way to make a BSA file with meshes and textures? Will the game load that file?

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There is an odd quirk to Skyrim that I don't think Oblivion had. (Not totally sure. I almost always used loose files in Oblivion.) You must have an .esp or .esm file with the same name as your .bsa file, and it must be activated or no files can access the meshes and textures inside the .bsa. Make sure your .bsa file is named exactly the same as one of your active mods. For example:




Be sure that in the .bsa, you preserve the texture paths exactly as used in the mod.


BSAOpt is the recommended tool for building Skyrim .bsa files. It seems possible that there could be problems when using Fallout or Oblivion software.

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Going by what I've just read on the comments page for a mod (Texture Pack Combiner) there are 2 ways to get Skyrim to load .bsa files...


1) Add the .bsa filename into the .bsa files (Archive) list in Skyrim.ini




2) Launch Creation Kit, load the Skyrim.esm (and presumably update.esm), when available just save the .esp file using the same filename as your .bsa file, ensure this .esp is activated in either Skyrims "Data Files" launcher option, or in NMM, and that (apparently) should be it.



It's also supposed to be the case that textures and meshes can't both be stored / used within one .bsa, so make a .bsa for both folders(?)


Don't know if it works as I'm currently downloading textures so I'll tackle this .bsa loading myself very soon.

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