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Quest Aliases


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Your experience is typical. The system is so touchy that only an expert (and I am not an expert) can make it work on the first or second try.


One problem people face is savegame memory throwing off play-testing results. It is possible for everything to be set up right, but it looks broken because your play-tester character started playing the quest when it was only half-way built. You may need to get a clean save and start testing the mod from the beginning, or use a character who has not played any of the quest yet.


You might need to describe what is happening in more detail. Are you saying that your quest target flags don't show up? Are you saying that the references the quest flags point to, such as NPCs or treasure chests, are not there when you arrive? Are you saying that your radiant quest misfires and breaks halfway through?

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Certain kinds of objects don't work for having quest flags attached to them. In that case, you may need to attach the quest flag to something else nearby. For example, in one mod, I was unable to figure out how to make my quest marker work if it was attached to a chicken. So I tried attaching it to an X-marker. That would not work either. So finally I figured out that it would work if I attached it to a trigger zone. (I ended up making a custom trigger zone that didn't trigger anything.)


I assume you have properly attached a particular alias to the quest stage in question?

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I only worked with actors and books (letters) and they always worked. Well, not always, sometimes the quest marker points to a strange location, then as soon as i move to it it pops in the right location.


If your objective will stay in a cell for sure, you can set the location as an alias and point to it for the quest marker?

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For example, in one mod, I was unable to figure out how to make my quest marker work if it was attached to a chicken.


Sorry to be off-topic, but I HAVE to ask...


Why did you want a quest marker to point to a chicken???


Second thought, don't answer that, my imagination is probably more amusing than whatever the truth could be. I might have to make that quote my signature. :biggrin:

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David, i don't know what you are so negative but it really is not that hard to get markers working.


There are three things you have to remember:


1. When testing you need to work from a save where you have never encountered the quest.


2. All aliases have to be filled for markers to work. If you set up 5 aliases but one does not fill the objective markers will not work. So make sure they fill, either by making sure they point to a valid thing, setting them as optional or allow disabled if you enable something in the quest from an initially disabled reference or if you disable something from an initially enabled reference.


3. Make sure there is a valid path to your target. If you have an alias sitting in a cave but that cave is not linked to the rest of the world you are not going to get a marker.


I have not had any problems EVER if I follow these three rules. Any problems i have is because i am careless and forget to check one of these three things.

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I am also a newbie to modding and I am working on a quest at the moment, but I too canot get the quest markers to show, that is I can, but I can't...... let me explain that!


I have set up a quest where the player has to rescue someone from a tomb (Yeah original right :)) now all the quest markers show up until I try to point it to a NorDoorMediumLoad object, but for the life of me I cannot get this to show.


My questions are........


Is there a limit to the number of quest markers you can use or are there objects that will just not work as quest markers (such as the NorDoorMediumLoad previously mentioned)?.


If the answer to the second part of my question is YES then is there a list anywhere of the objects you cannot use as markers?


This is obviously asked after I have tried the above suggestions from other modders, as I was using the same saves for testing but now use new saves each time I test, my alias's are as far as I can see in the correct order and should (hopefully) be filled.


Thanks for taking time to answer.

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