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Download with mod manager button not working


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every time i try to download a mod with mod manager i try and click the button and nothing ever happens....i tried like 20 mods. what gives? the button clicks but nothing ever happens.
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Did you download and Install the Nexus Mod Manager ? You gotta do this first, otherwise these Buttons wont have any function.

Here is the Mod Manager : http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/modmanager/


If you indeed have installed the NMM, then you should know that sometimes, actually a lot of times, it takes several minutes for just one mod to Download with the NMM. You can check the Status of your downloaded Mods in the NMM when you click in the bottom left corner on the flag.

Edited by Ravean
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Yeah I definitely installed the modmanager and have it open......i dont know whats going on...im new to nexus but im along time steam user.......it just sucks cause nexus seems to have the better mods i want but there webpage setup is so user unfriendly, ive tried searching the topic but the other people that were having the problem never really got any real answers either, if i cant get it going soon ill just go back to steam : /
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when i click the button it just like flashes for a second like its going to work and nothing happens, i checked the downloads and everything........i have windows 7 if that makes any difference, i did have a hard time downloading the mod manager, i had to move files and stuff.
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Ok guys well the problem is solved somehow.....i dont know if it was like a glitch in the system or what, but after 2 days of being like that i can finally press the download button and it works!!!!!!!!!!! i have had the similar problem on steam before but it wasnt as lengthy maybe like a half hour or so... Thanks for the inputs!!!
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  • 1 month later...

Hey guys i think i solved it. You need to be logged in on nexus for is to work. Was having all the same issues as you guys when i said, f*** it and downloaded them manually. Of course if the file size is too big they want you to sign in and by happen stance i hit Download with mod manager and it worked.

Tl:DR sign in to nexus then download

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  • 6 months later...

Yeah I definitely installed the modmanager and have it open......i dont know whats going on...im new to nexus but im along time steam user.......it just sucks cause nexus seems to have the better mods i want but there webpage setup is so user unfriendly, ive tried searching the topic but the other people that were having the problem never really got any real answers either, if i cant get it going soon ill just go back to steam : /

Yes i rely! i had exactly the same problem! sometimes it's very Windows 7 unfriendly @Moderator this is a topic you guys should focus on :)

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