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Something weird I found on TV Tropes


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So I've been hanging around on TV Tropes and found this:

Another meta example. Do you know how long it takes to make a console/PC video game? Usually companies take 2-4 years to make sure they get it right. Obsidian was only give... 13 months. Factor in that at least 2 months for pre-planning (confirmed by J.E. Sawyer) and at least a month of basic bug testing they made the entire game in TEN MONTHS!!! Very impressive when you realize the scope of the game. On the other hand, a tearjerker for Obsidian as Sawyer let slip that they needed 5 more months to fully flesh out the game: specifically to add the post-game sequences and Legion territory.



I wasn't able to find the source for this statement or any reference to it anywhere else so can someone here can confirm if it's legit?




Here is where I found it( look at the bottom of the page ) http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Awesome/FalloutNewVegas

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That confirms what I have read about the extreme time pressures facing professional game developers. Often they are hemmed in by release dates and thus are constrained by the marketing department which sets the release date. It is with little wonder then that major releases such as Fallout and Skyrim are buggy as they are yet they are "playable" to a greater degree and that seems enough for the company and the consumer who buys the games.


Remember as well then tens of millions of dollars sometimes go into the development of the games and the investors want to see green pretty dam quick and not be told "it's still not ready due to bugs etc".

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