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Need quick mod help.


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So I've been working on my own spell mod list, and so far so good. The problem is with the current spell I'm working on. Its intent is to summon a fake illusion that will basically take aggro off the player, allowing him/her to do whatever for a short duration. It summons just fine and does it's thing, attacks the enemy but not the player. The problem is, if I hit the fake illusion it will turn on me. I'm at my wits end because I've tried everything I can think of to prevent it from doing that. I would like it to ignore friendly fire from the player. I've tried using the DefaultIgnoreFriendlyFire, adding it to faction from the actor page, through script, nothing is working. This is my current spell script so far.


Scriptname summonFakeIllusionScript Extends ActiveMagicEffect

ActorBase Property FakeIllusionBase Auto;
Actor FakeIllusion
Faction Property PlayerFaction Auto
Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
FakeIllusion = akCaster.PlaceActorAtMe(FakeIllusionBase)
FakeIllusion.SetFactionRank(PlayerFaction, 0)
Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
Function KillAndDisable(Actor target)

As I said, the spell works great as intended, I just need the summoned "Fake Illusion" to ignore damage from the player somehow. This is my first post on here so bare with me please.

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"This is my first post on here so bare with me please."






The only thing I can recommend would be to look at other spells or NPCs that can be friendly with you but won't agro when you hit them one time. Check out the other summon spells and see if they have something your spell is missing.

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As I've continued working on this, I've tried to attach this script to the actor


Scriptname FakeIllusionStop extends ObjectReference

{Scriptname FakeIllusionStop extends Actor
Event OnHit(ObjectReference akAgressor)
If akAgressor == PlayerREF

Can anyone tell me if this will work or what I could do differently with it? If it's incorrect that'd also be great to know, it compiles okay, it just doesn't work.

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