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Hey guys, I've used the 'set timescale to ##' to slow down time (i set it to 1 originally) and everything was fine, I then travelled to Solitude to do some daily shopping and had to wait outside the shop for it to open however when I used wait the ingame time jumps from 4.27am to 12pm and stays there, then the screen goes dark. I assumed this would be due to the new timescale value so i set it to 16. same problem occurred. So then i use 'show timescale' and it says the value is 0.0000 and no matter what i try to set it to i've tried everything from 1-20 now the value remains at 0.0000 and blacks the screen everytime i rest....im hoping that someone here knows what is wrong and would let me know how this is fixed (if possible)


Thanks in advance :)

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Actually, anything below 7 is problematic and will likely break certain quest scripts. I would stick with timescale of 10 or higher.


Do you know if there are specific quests that get affected? I run with a timescale of 3. I don't do many quests though. My characters usually just go out adventuring.

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