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Classy armors?


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I normally check the nexus every day so I am pretty up-to-date on mods, but I have been wondering, are there any nice classy armor mods? There are great lore friendly armors, as hothtrooper44 is putting them out faster than I can endorse and install them, and there is an abundance of armors if you like scantily clad women, but I feel there are no nice classy armors for males. Here is an example: http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100621013147/monsterhunter/images/2/26/GuildArmor.png The male armor here is really nice. I know it's not necessarily lore-friendly, but are there any of that sort of armor? I really like Knight of Thorns, and with a gold retexture it looks superb, but other than that I am really hurting for that sort of armor. It's just personal preference and I wondered if perhaps I missed a great mod.
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See I don't really know what armours you have don't want to start recommending them if you have them. What I do though is files>categories>armour and sort by most downloaded/endorsed. Don't know if you play as male or female but I downloaded the Triss armour pack just because I thought it looked pretty cool.
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I thought I was relatively clear I was interested in male armors, but that's alright. I like the style of like Triss's armor, but of course it is female. I do have a female character I play as sometimes, but it is just my personal preference to play as a male toon most times. I do that sometimes, but to be honest a lot of gems really go unnoticed in such a large pool of talent. Oh an McMutton, I'm glad I could inspire you haha
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