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Blood Stuck On Screen


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Hi all! I've recently been getting back into Fallout 4 and therefore have been updooting some of the old mods. This are going pretty alright except for the fact that 3 of the mods don't seem to be working all that well.


The problem mods being:

Loot Detector (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/4380?tab=description)



Gas Masks of the Wasteland (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/17491/)


The specific problems I've been having are minute but pretty annoying. First off, after updating Loot Detector, it seems as if my MCM mod configuration changes for it wont save, it keeps resetting to default! On top of that, I get a specific error every time I load up a save that says "Loot Detector ERROR! Shutting Down", and I have to manually reboot the mod via it's in game holotape.

For Gas Masks of the Wasteland, the mod seems to be nonfunctional, and I can't find a reason as to why! First of all, rad storms no longer require me to use a Gas Mask, and I don't receive extra rads.

For some other reason, I've been having this issue whereas Blood decals on the First Person screen wont go away unless I open and close my Pip-Boy/Pause the game, which I think could either be Gas Masks of the Wasteland, or because I also updated DEF_UI to version 1.5.1. (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10654?tab=description)


Image referring to the blood glitch: (https://imgur.com/a/0KtLQB2)



I wish I could give you guys more, I'm still trying to get use to Vortex, and I'm not sure how to post my load order if Vortex has that new ability.


If there's anything else I can do to provide information, please don't hesitate to ask!

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