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Dawnguard is out on steam!


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what?! people are complaining?! well colour me suprised. My roommate has this on xbox, him, his gf, all his friends. they never complained.

why are you guys complaining?! can you do better?


yes i am complaining about people complaining, but im not really that mad, like you guys are. im just bored and really quite ill *cough*

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Has anŷone suggested they shouldn't be paid? As a customer what a product cost to make is irrelevant, the question is have they produced something I want at a price I'm willing to pay, for you they have, for me they haven't.


You can draw it up however you want to, it doesn't change the fact. You're saying that the amount of work put into the game isn't worth the $20 price tag. And I'll be happy to re-iterate for the third time that $20 doesn't equate to squat these days.


The price is cheap, regardless of whether or not you like the game. The market sets the value. Not your opinion.


You can say it isn't worth the price to you, or buy it and play it and say it wasn't worth the money to you, but you can't speak for everyone else or change the fact that other developers are charging more for less.


As for what is acceptable on this board don't lecture those who have been here for years, you were told in that thread you started what this site is, it's not a fan site, it's a modding site. We've always been free to voice our opinions, sadly Skyrim seems to have bought with it a number of people who can't accept that not everyone shares their opinion.


I'm not lecturing anyone, I'm clarifying the reality of the situation. Again. Dressing it up doesn't change facts. I'm not arguing with you again.

Edited by Stemin
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Any good pirated copies out yet? I found a couple on the bay but none from trusted uploaders. Can't seem to find update 10 either.


How have you managed to get 33 posts, and yet not know that asking about piracy is instant ban?

.... *sigh*


Stop being greedy and buy the real thing. 20 USD is 1 week without that extra starbucks now and then. You can afford that.

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You are too late. He was already banned before your post. He joined the banned group very quickly.


They tend to do that. Which is quite good.

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20 dollars for 20 hours of play? 1 dollar per hour? That's infact really cheap to be honest :D most people have jobs which earn them (way) over 10 dollars per hour I would say, so at the very least U have to spend 2 hours of your life working for Dawnguard. If people turn to piracy for 2 hours of work, pathetic.. lol.
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I agree, it's well worth the price. 20 hours makes it one of the largest DLC's in history (of course Shivering Isles is larger)...I don't agree with those that feel it's not worth it but respect their opinions.


I imagine that they are players who are not interested in the story. They want it for the other extra's like the new textures, weapons, etc...for that I can understand. Paying full price for those alone wouldn't make sense.


BUT...if you're a player who follows the quests and enjoys the story, then this is a DLC that is well worth the cost. You will get a massive 20 hours of good gameplay out if it. Which is more than most full priced full games.

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It may be worth it from a standpoint of cost-to-benefit, but is it really worth it in terms of the time you spend dealing with Bethesda's trademark quantity over quality philosophy? There's no guarantee that we modders will fix all their bugs (I know I won't be).
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Been playing a couple more hours now, and it's really a lot bigger than you might think. Haters dont know what they're missing ;)



Also, full Dawnguard heavy armor combined with "Winter Is Coming"-mod is AWESOME stuff :D





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