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Dawnguard is out on steam!


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I have to say that so far my mods are all still working - I did make sure that I also updated SKSE and ScriptDragon. The Dawnguard quest triggered exactly as it was supposed to do. I haven't played any further as I just had time to download and have a quick few mins with it before going off to do something else. Another thing I have noticed since the update is that my lighting looks nicer both interior and exterior. I do not use an ENB, I do use Project Reality - Climates Of Tamriel with the vanilla nights and interiors variant plugin (eyesight not good enough for serious drrkness). The effects from fires and wall sconces is much less garish, softer. Also my main toon Emilie "pale skinned, snotty expression, you're a Breton" does not look bleached anymore when outside. The vain little strumpet is highly delighted.


Guess I now need to also resurrect Carmilla the Vampire for Dawnguard...

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Wait, is this Game gonna come to Stores or are we forced to Download it through Steam, depends on the Size of the Game, it will take me 4 days or so, dont even get me started on the Skyrim HD Pack.


I feel ya, imagine my frustration when steam decided to download 6GB worth of patches for Shogun 2 when I was on a 50KB/s connection.


The DLC is roughly 1.4GB, or that is how much I had to download anyway.

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I feel ya, imagine my frustration when steam decided to download 6GB worth of patches for Shogun 2 when I was on a 50KB/s connection.


That reminds me of Assassin's Creed: Revelations. Every patch which fixed a few bugs or updated the game for new DLC was as large as re-downloading the entire game.


You have to wonder exactly who thought that would be a good idea...

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Too bad it isn't on sale like everything else TES related on Steam.


Would be odd to be on 50% sale at release.

Wait a few weeks, or untill a DLC pack arrives in a good while, and it most likely will be on sale.

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Nice to see Steam is still screwing us Aussies. Even though the exchange rate with the US dollar is in our favour, we're still paying $25 for it. It's only another $5 sure but it's the principle of the matter. It's a freaking digital download. It should cost no more for us as it should for the rest of the world - $20. So I'm going to wait until it goes on sale. I refuse to pay extra for it.

I wouldn't even pay $10. Dawnguard, to me, just seems like an expansion that says "hey look, we have vampires!"

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Nice to see Steam is still screwing us Aussies. Even though the exchange rate with the US dollar is in our favour, we're still paying $25 for it. It's only another $5 sure but it's the principle of the matter. It's a freaking digital download. It should cost no more for us as it should for the rest of the world - $20. So I'm going to wait until it goes on sale. I refuse to pay extra for it.

I wouldn't even pay $10. Dawnguard, to me, just seems like an expansion that says "hey look, we have vampires!"


Allthough I understand your way of thinking, that argument made me giggle a little.

For you, Skyrim most likely was only a "Hey look, we have dragons!"?


Most of us buy it for more than the content. Frankly, I can't wait to break Dawnguard apart and see what new options they have given us, as well as a chance to get some crossbow models done.

I'd pay double for Dawnguard if it came to that. It contains both a good portion of houres of gameplay, new starsigns to play with, the vampire lord got some interesting things to it that can be further imporved and it gives us a solid crossbow animations.

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Allthough I understand your way of thinking, that argument made me giggle a little.

For you, Skyrim most likely was only a "Hey look, we have dragons!"?


Sadly, I feel there's some truth to "hey look, we have dragons" to many of the design choices in Skyrim.


The upside is that Bethesda sold enough to where they can have a huge budget for future games, and I'm glad for that (and for the modding community, of course).


I just hope Fallout 4 isn't Rage 2 (seems unlikely, so I'm hopeful).

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