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Hand holding...


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I'm in dire need of games that feature absolutely no hand holding, and punish you when you make a bad move or don't pay attention. Cost doesn't matter at this point because I'm willing to pay anything for a game that doesn't treat you like a baby who's just taking their first steps. It also can't have the words "EVE Online" in the title. Those words are taboo to me (yeah, I want a steep learning curve, but not six-months-to-a-year steep).


So in short: I need a REALLY punishing, difficult, unforgiving game. Also, I already know about Dark Souls, but I think I've had a fantasy game overload.

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Ah fantasy overload...Legend of Grimrock is pretty cool from what I've heard. It's like old school 80s and 90s dungeon crawlers.



Other than that, I can't really think of anything else. All games seem to be hand holding these days (I'm looking at you Diablo III :facepalm:)

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All games seem to be hand holding these days (I'm looking at you Diablo III :facepalm:)

I wasn't much of a Diablo fan from the start, but I played the first two and thought they were pretty good, especially hardcore mode. But from what I've heard of Diablo III... I don't plan on buying it. And now I find out that there's hand holding in it? Blizzard, I am disappoint.

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Borderlands is hands down better then Diablo 3 http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/teehee.gif You can pretty mach do whatever you want while killing hoards of bandits and midgets. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/teehee.gif
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Borderlands is hands down better then Diablo 3 http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/teehee.gif You can pretty mach do whatever you want while killing hoards of bandits and midgets. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/teehee.gif

I have Borderlands, but the entire first five minutes is nothing but hand holding, and you're subject to even more hand holding until you leave Fyrestone to proceed with the rest of the main story. I've only beaten the game using Lilith, and

I'm almost to the Crimson Lance Enclave using Mordecai

. It's fun, but it still treats you like a baby.

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thats because Lilith becomes unkillable but still borderlands is not a game that offers a Challenge.


fable and kingdoms of amular......joking they're easy as hell.


witcher 2 in the hardest mode but thats a fantasy game


2nd edit: i know super meat boy and the binding of isaac

Edited by hector530
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thats because Lilith becomes unkillable but still borderlands is not a game that offers a Challenge.


fable and kingdoms of amular......joking they're easy as hell.


witcher 2 in the hardest mode but thats a fantasy game


2nd edit: i know super meat boy and the binding of isaac

The Witcher is actually pretty fun. Even after I decided I was done with fantasy games, I contemplated installing it again. There was some hand holding, but it was challenging at the highest difficulty. Although something that broke the game for me was the needless censorship and the animations.


I've also considered buying TW2 if I ever beat The Witcher, because it seems like an awesome game.

Edited by Delikatessen
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All games seem to be hand holding these days (I'm looking at you Diablo III :facepalm:)

I wasn't much of a Diablo fan from the start, but I played the first two and thought they were pretty good, especially hardcore mode. But from what I've heard of Diablo III... I don't plan on buying it. And now I find out that there's hand holding in it? Blizzard, I am disappoint.


Oh yeah...arrows pointing to where your quest location is, annoying "Quest Completed" "Achievement Unlocked" pop up crap, checkpoints, too linear maps...I could go on. There's a good reason it has a lower rating than Duke Nukem Forever on Metacritic.


DII was so fun on hardcore until the jerks came in trying to purposely kill you :( Last I played was on Hardcore Ladder because there's barely any bots on the Hardcore servers.


When's the last time you played The Witcher? Before the Enhanced Edition? I believe it's still censored (the Director's Cut might be uncensored) but the animations are a lot smoother and the voice acting is 100x better.


TW2 is brutal in Dark Mode. Once you're dead, you're dead...and it's hard not to die in that mode lol. I made it to the first battle in the prologue, got hit by a few arrows...dead :P

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All games seem to be hand holding these days (I'm looking at you Diablo III :facepalm:)

I wasn't much of a Diablo fan from the start, but I played the first two and thought they were pretty good, especially hardcore mode. But from what I've heard of Diablo III... I don't plan on buying it. And now I find out that there's hand holding in it? Blizzard, I am disappoint.


Oh yeah...arrows pointing to where your quest location is, annoying "Quest Completed" "Achievement Unlocked" pop up crap, checkpoints, too linear maps...I could go on. There's a good reason it has a lower rating than Duke Nukem Forever on Metacritic.


DII was so fun on hardcore until the jerks came in trying to purposely kill you :( Last I played was on Hardcore Ladder because there's barely any bots on the Hardcore servers.


When's the last time you played The Witcher? Before the Enhanced Edition? I believe it's still censored (the Director's Cut might be uncensored) but the animations are a lot smoother and the voice acting is 100x better.


TW2 is brutal in Dark Mode. Once you're dead, you're dead...and it's hard not to die in that mode lol. I made it to the first battle in the prologue, got hit by a few arrows...dead :P

I bought the original version back when it was just released in the US, broke one of the discs (which is, coincidentally, one of the last disc-based games I ever bought for the PC), then I bought the Enhanced Edition a couple years ago. Yeah, the animations were a LOT smoother here. Also, the last time I installed it, which was some time last year, I immediately installed the Director's Cut, which removes all censorship. If it were released in retail stores, it would get an AO rating.


Edit: Please excuse all spelling mistakes. I have insomnia again and it's really making me not think straight.

Edited by Delikatessen
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All games seem to be hand holding these days (I'm looking at you Diablo III :facepalm:)

I wasn't much of a Diablo fan from the start, but I played the first two and thought they were pretty good, especially hardcore mode. But from what I've heard of Diablo III... I don't plan on buying it. And now I find out that there's hand holding in it? Blizzard, I am disappoint.


Oh yeah...arrows pointing to where your quest location is, annoying "Quest Completed" "Achievement Unlocked" pop up crap, checkpoints, too linear maps...I could go on. There's a good reason it has a lower rating than Duke Nukem Forever on Metacritic.


DII was so fun on hardcore until the jerks came in trying to purposely kill you :( Last I played was on Hardcore Ladder because there's barely any bots on the Hardcore servers.


When's the last time you played The Witcher? Before the Enhanced Edition? I believe it's still censored (the Director's Cut might be uncensored) but the animations are a lot smoother and the voice acting is 100x better.


TW2 is brutal in Dark Mode. Once you're dead, you're dead...and it's hard not to die in that mode lol. I made it to the first battle in the prologue, got hit by a few arrows...dead :P


I beat TW2 easily in Dark Mode, you can explote it if you know how. What you are talking about Insanity Mode. Besides, there is a difference between hand holding and quest helper. Delika, Grimlock is your best bet, Age of Desdicants (did I spelled it right) ia another one you should keep your eyes on.

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