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Short freezes, save game bloating


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Hey there.

Today, I've somehow managed to create a new technical problem in Skyrim.

I loaded up my save, ran around in Windhelm a bit and I had started to get these short, 2-3 second long freezes, that would happen every 30 to 60 seconds or so.

Then I've noticed saving my game takes a lot longer than usual, both quicksaving and manual saving.


I had a hunch and checked my savegame folder, and my saves with that character are weighing up at about 35MB. I have a savegame with a much higher level character, with much more hours put into, that is just 11MB.

I loaded up that save and everything works fine with that. I don't get any freezes and my quicksaves are actually quick, so obviously I narrowed down the problem to save game bloating.


Now my question is how to figure out what mod is causing the bloating (it's likely a mod), and is there a way for me to salvage this character?

I have SoS Dungeons and The Wilds, I'm aware that the author's been warning people of savegame bloating with those but I've had them for ages with no problem.

Even if they are the source though, how can I salvage my save?



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No magic duel.

And I already uninstalled all SoS mods.


The main question right now is, can I salvage my save? I've put almost 60 hours into it and have already started way too many new games in Skyrim, I just can't fathom starting over again.

Is there no way to de-bloat a savegame?

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You probably cannot salvage that specific save - However, you can try removing any mods that are known to cause bloat - and any others that you may suspect - then try the save immediately before it got bloated to see if it works.


Skyrim allows lots of saves. there is no reason to not make a permanent manual save at least every 15 minutes or half hour. I make a unique save before fast travel, on starting a new quest, before entering a new dungeon and every once in a while. just because I haven't saved lately. Then, while in a dungeon, I overwrite the save for that dungeon as I go, always having a recent save to drop back to when things go wrong.

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I've never had a need for it since I use quicksave, but I don't see how keeping hundreds (yes, that is how often I quicksave) of unique saves would have helped me much in this case, given the fact that from the moment you install SoS Civilization there's a good 20 to 30 hours of play before you realize your save is corrupted.

So I would have lost that instead of the full 60 hours but it would damage continuity and put me off so much that I would restart anyway.

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reinstall sounds of skyrim - civilization. removing that mod BREAKS YOUR GAME for good...


Doesn't SoS cause bloating and freezing? I don't see how re installing it would help. Besides, SoS has been taken down from both the Nexus and Steam, there is no way to re-download it. Unless there is another place to get it, i would be willing to test if re installing it would fix this problem however.

Edited by TukkOrdo
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