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Lineage II Rippoffs tolerable here?


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I'm glad I found this post, as I've had questions along these lines, and did not know quite how to bring it up.


I hope asking here is ok, I think it fits in with the discussion.


I'll be specific; I used to play FF online, and I still have access to all of their meshes and textures. I have never used any, all of my items have been original, or me converting Oblivion items. I did however want to try adding a creature in the future, and one from FF would be very nice, in particular I'm referring to the desert manticore.


First question now is... Do you think I should just avoid it?


If it's ok, if it's changed enough, how much change is neccessary?


Also, I never wanted to take credit for the design, if it was released, because that isn't right to me... So how would I word my credit? ~ would I just say 'inspired by (whatever the original source was)'


(while I value all answers from the community members, I will admit that I hope the moderators advise me on this issue)


I have thought that creatures like these would be nice, not only for additional monsters, but also as chess pieces, gargoyle statues, ice sculptures, small clutter figurines...etc.


If these answers are provided in another post, please link me to it, if you don't mind.




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DavidWhitefang, if you take content from another game (meshes or textures) and put it into Oblivion, do not upload it...even if you have modified the verts or re-colored the texture.


It is quite different if you import that model (or image) and use it as a reference to create your own entire model and then delete the original. This is called fan-art and is generally acceptable unless the company claims infringement on their IP and in direct competition with a similar game they have created (are creating).


MrCooper2006, it simply is not allowed or tolerated on this site. It is true that as moderators, we cannot detect these items ourself and even if we are notified, we will not do anything without proof if we do not have the means to verify it ourselves. We (as TESNexus) cannot be held liable for what members upload as stated in the Terms of Service. If a company asks us to remove a file due to infringement / copyright, we will do so. We do NOT have to act upon what members report but we do so in the spirit of the community and making sure the mod community does not get a bad rap because of a few bad (or uninformed) apples.


It is for this reason (spirit of a good community) that members such as Bahamut0 are reporting such problems.


If we (as a community) take care of the problems 1st, there will be no need for game companies / lawyers to start a large red-tape process that will end poorly for our members. These offenders might initially get mad at us for removing their mods but they should really be thanking us for protecting their tail-ends, especially if they did not realize it was illegal or could get them sued.



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Thanks LHammonds,


That is good enough for me! I just won't do it.


If I want to make a new creature, I'll just create it from scratch, and save the possible 'red tape' of the fan art issue. I do appreciate the answer.




(I also removed the pic link, since I think it's irrelavent now, from my earlier post)

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If I want to make a new creature, I'll just create it from scratch, and save the possible 'red tape' of the fan art issue. I do appreciate the answer.


Making things from a scratch gains respect :)


And i found another one full rips this time (both model and texture)


Proof will be posted tomorrow, im too sleepy today



EDIT: And the related mod page: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=20706

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Please understand that these comments are regarding the PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION of ripped content. Uploading files to TESNexus / Fallout3Nexus = Public Distribution. I don't see anything wrong if you bought two games and ripped content (model / texture / sound) from one and added it to another for personal use. The whole problem here is handing that rip out to the public.


If a person wants to put robot armor in the game and nobody is interested in creating it and the person lacks the skills required to create such a thing, then ripping a model is the next best thing as it requires a fewer number of skills. Granted, there are still quite a few skills involved just to get it there which is a feat in itself but I also understand not everyone has the artistic ability to replicate a model / texture / sound they like in a manner that is pleasing to them.



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