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Removal of all Skyrim Quests?


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I Have no modding skills and no idea if skyrim could have all of its Quests removed. When i say that I want the quests removed I don't just mean in the log I mean the removal of the dialogue pertaining to quests, the removal of cut-scenes, the removal of the beginning of the game A.K.A No more "lets go ride in the cart and to my neck removed and then dragon comes and f&%ks s*** up]"


My intention is to have a experience that is like DAYZ... a clean environment without the Forced quests and lore of skyrim, In conjunction with mods like "Hypothermia" and "Hunger and Thirst" And "Camping Survival".


If this Does not exist then I will learn to mod or/and I will Donate Monetary Appreciation for this to Exist. I would hope this is possible since Nehrim Devs Seemed to create a Completely new Lore/landscape from scratch in the oblivion engine although that's not want I want.


P.s. I want to keep the Skyrim environment/mountains/castles/city's I dont want to have to Create Environments my self.


Thank you for your time Regards Riek Yelir

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awsome idea...honestly I didn't try these mod's you listed above, actually didn't even know they existed...but know I am keen to make a fresh start with some of my character for the 5th time...I would also like some of the mof that would remove all of the story line, and main quest as all of the side and radian questes...I am no moder or developer of anykind but I think I couldn't be that hard if you see what kind pf mods people are doing...
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Removing the cart ride at the beginning is the hardest part of your mod idea, but you could closely examine how other alt start mods do it. (Or perhaps even find an alt start mod that you like and use it in conjunction with your mod that disables all the quests.)


Disabling all the quests should not be so hard. With many of them, you would just uncheck the "Start Game Enabled" box. With others, you would do things like placing impossible conditions on them. Ex: If Player.GetIemCount FoodApple >= 10000


For some quests you could disable them by removing the quest scripts, disabling questgivers, removing scripts on various things, or placing impossible conditions on select dialog infos.


Except for the idea of removing the carriage ride, this is a mod idea that could easily be done by a beginning modder. It is a lot easier to break things than it is to build them, and to build this mod, you would just systematically break everything.

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I presume that you only want to disable the quests that have objectives. The Quest system in Skyrim manages many important aspects of the game, not just the quests with objectives. If you were to disable ALL the quests, it would seriously break the game.
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Like Steve40 says, a huge amount of quests are "fake". They aren't real quests, they used a quest because the mechanics were easy to manipulate.


For example, the "well rested" effect is managed with a quest.


Also, many quests are just dialogue containers, deleting them will bring to a "everyone is mute in skyrim"

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You don't really need a mod for this, though a mod would simply things. The main thing you need to do is to know the quest IDs (just look them up on the wiki) and then:


resetquest MS01

completequest MS01


The above would remove The Forsworn Conspiracy from your quest log (after a save and reload). You would still probably need to select Eltrys in console mode and markfordelete him to completely remove the possibility of that quest. There's the real problem, though. You'd have to find NPCs and remove them before they could force you to start doing quests.


The other thing to think about is whether you expect certain NPCs to behave a certain way. That usually depends on a quest being at a particular stage. For example, if you want to RP visiting the College at Winterhold, you might have to delete Faralda just to get in. Then there's the fact that Tolfdir will just stand around all the time in the Hall of Elements (at least until a certain stage of MG02).


Another thing is all the miscellaneous quests which need you to set stages to remove them from your quest log:


setstage dunRebelsCairnQST 30 <-- remove Red Eagle

setstage TG00MiscHandler 200 <-- remove Listen to Brynjolf

setstage DB01Objective 200 <-- remove Talk to Aventus Aretino


The Civil War quest is whole other headache as well:


Get both objectives (Join the Empire and Join the Stormcloaks), then:


setobjectivecompleted CW00A 1 1

setobjectivecompleted CW00B 2 1


That will remove the civil war entries from your journal. There are lots of other quests and lots of subtle problems with deleting them, but you have to have an intimate knowledge of how they work to get just the "right" result (depending on what you want from them).

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I presume that you only want to disable the quests that have objectives. The Quest system in Skyrim manages many important aspects of the game, not just the quests with objectives. If you were to disable ALL the quests, it would seriously break the game.


I think fireaka meant about dialogs that are related to quest should be removed, not all of the dialogs, maybe that command which Pentigan mentioned with all quests resolved at the begining would do the trick...

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