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Glow map on plants not working


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I am having some trouble getting my glow map to work on plants.


I managed to get the plant to glow, the problem is that the entire plant is glowing, I only want the flowers to glow. My glow map has the flowers painted white, and everything else black. However, it seems to be ignoring my glow map entirely and just making everything glow white.


I have some screenshots of my nifskope object properties, the original plant texture along with what my glow map looks like, and an in game screenshot:






I've been trying to tinker around and change settings but to no avail. I've followed the tutorial here:




I can get glow maps working on other objects, just not plants or grass for some reason.


The mesh I am working with right now is the lavender plant:




Any help appreciated, thanks.

Edited by Northwall1
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Without being able to see the Nif file it seems like you are using a glow map but may not have the ShaderProperty set up right. Simply setting the Emissive Multiple to any number greater than 0 will make the whole object glow. Either you need to have the Glow Map box checked in the Shader Flags section or you have the Glow Map in the wrong spot in the Texture Set section.
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And if that does nothing then it may be something to do with how Plants and grass are normally tileable meshes. I know you donât need Vertex Colors checked and 50 as a multiple seems awfully high. Try those and worst comes to worst open the Nirnroot mesh and copy that.
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