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About Northwall1

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  1. The problem is, while I am swinging a two handed weapon at a dragon, his physical bite attack (can be wing too), does no damage to me, but instead my character slides off to one side. The more damage the dragon does, the more extreme the sliding. But regardless, I basically don't have to block his melee attacks, as long as I am swinging my weapon. It's kinda game breaking for me, trying to figure out if this is just part of the vanilla game or maybe I have a mod that's causing the problem? Hoping someone else can give it a try and see if it happens on their end too. Edit: I am now suspecting it might be a mod, the problem is only happening to me with a great sword (seems to be any great sword), and doesn't with battle axes or war hammers. I am suspecting Ordinator perks right now being the culprit Edit2: Found the culprit, Ordinator mod, Clash of Heroes perk, seems to be setting the dragon damage to negative somehow, and then instead of killing me his attack knocks me sideways. Still not entirely sure what is happening but when I disabled that effect on dragon enemies the problem seems to be fixed.
  2. I have the same problem, anyone figure out a solution? Edit: I might have narrowed it down (not positive yet) but the problem seemed to go away when I disabled Shiva's Hair Replacer: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/7922
  3. Hi, I've made some edits to an existing mod that I'd like to share, but I'm not sure what the etiquette/rules are for doing so. Can I just upload the mod and reference the original one in the description? Do I need the original author's permission? Anything else I would need to do? Thanks
  4. I am having some trouble getting my glow map to work on plants. I managed to get the plant to glow, the problem is that the entire plant is glowing, I only want the flowers to glow. My glow map has the flowers painted white, and everything else black. However, it seems to be ignoring my glow map entirely and just making everything glow white. I have some screenshots of my nifskope object properties, the original plant texture along with what my glow map looks like, and an in game screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/ul03rBU I've been trying to tinker around and change settings but to no avail. I've followed the tutorial here: http://tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/tutorials/article/91-graphic-artistry-glow-maps/ I can get glow maps working on other objects, just not plants or grass for some reason. The mesh I am working with right now is the lavender plant: [skyrim_folder]/Data/meshes/plants/floralavender01.nif Any help appreciated, thanks.
  5. Edit update: I switched from tetrachromatic to Rya ENB, and it is much better, don't really need this anymore. Hi, I've been experimenting with ENB, I started with this: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/73848 and I've been using the menu via Shift+Z in game to change settings like hue, contrast, bloom, etc. The problem I'm encountering is that it's difficult to get settings that are good for each area. For example, if I adjust the light intensity of windows, then some plants in the forgotten vale will start glowing brightly too. What I'd like to be able to do is have custom ENB settings for different zones. I'm not entirely sure how best to accomplish this though. As I understand it most of my custom settings are in the "enbseries.ini" file, which lives in the main skyrim folder. Just thinking out-loud but maybe it's possible to write some script or SkyUI plugin that, on detecting that I've entered a certain zone, replaces the enbseries.ini file with the appropriate one for that zone? I hope there's an easier way though. Any help appreciated, thanks!
  6. Everytime I do a bash (by holding down block, then hitting the attack button) it staggers my opponent, regardless of whether I'm using a 2-handed sword or a shield. No power bash required, just a regular bash. Is this normal? It makes 1v1 combat pretty trivial, I just bash, attack, bash, attack, and it's dead. If this is normal, is there a mod that nerfs bash and doesn't give a guaranteed stagger? I couldn't find one in a basic search. Any help appreciated, thanks
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