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Please, could someone make this StandAlone & Light Armor?


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Hello! I was hoping someone could help me with some armor. I would like this ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/3866 ) as a stand-alone, light armor set so I can mix and match pieces with the game's default Jester outfit which Cicero looks smashing in & be protected.


The mod author has already expressed a permission for it to be done:

Permissions: You are free to use this mod without my permission if you intend to make either:




c) you want to make this outfit seperate from the jesters outfit (i have no idea how to do this).




I am happy to even give editing access to this mod page etc. Just give me a little credit if you do use this texture :D


I was going to try to do it myself but to be honest, I spent most of this morning doing CK tutorials for building interiors so I'm not really up to it. ; Thanks for reading and thanks in advance if you decide to do this for me! I appreciate it.

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