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Nchardak CTD on killing Dwemer Ballista (Even without mods)


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During the dragonborn questline, when I'm retrieving those damn cubes, I CTD whenever I or neloth kills a specific dwemer ballista. This happens with or without mods, and it does not matter how I kill it. It just happens. If I could just move by without neloth killing it maybe I could finish the level, but it's very upsetting. A similar crash even happens on my unmodded Xbox version of skyrim. The PC ballista that causes the crash is the one in the first section with cubes on the elevated platform. In the xbox version it one of the two guarding the second area of the dungeon (where you get the last cubes).


Anyone know what the deal is with this/these ballista(s) or have a method to fix it?


BTW, TESEdit shows no conflict regarding the dragonborn DLC, or at least none related to the ballista/nchardak.

Edited by WakahisaSensei
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