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Animation Challenge: Fix Full Drawn Bow


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This is an animation challenge for anyone willing to give a crack at it. 3D CG is not my strong point it is worse than my understanding of papyrus scripting which is horrible (and I've done two simple papyrus mods). Thus I present this challenge.


1. Take a look at the image in spoiler tags.

2. Devise some way for the arrow to actually be notched on the string.

3. Would like all bow & arrow combinations to appear properly.





In the image:

stock Long Bow

stock Iron Arrow


side effect of this fix may be that lengthened arrows are no longer needed



Some additional examination has resulted in that the male characters stop their hand and the arrow at the proper position. It is only female players that draw further back. I have found the hkv file which is responsible bow_drawlight (or something close to that - going on memory here) but whether there are separate files for gender or if they both use the same I do not know.

Edited by IsharaMeradin
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