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Help me find a mod that used to be very famous alternate start somethi


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Hello guys&girls! Can some one help me find a mod that i just can't seem to find? I've looked for three days now and still no sign of it, i used to use it but now when i cleaned my PC & reinstalled everything i lost this great mod. I'm talking about a mod in which you are about to be executed but then you feint and wake up and you go up to a table that has a dagger in which you '' use '' to cut your ropes and then you get to choose in which type of person you were before the execution. As i said I'm NOT talking about the weird one in which you start in a cell. Answers are super duper appreciated so hopefully some one here might know what I'm talking about and that I'm not just insane.



Best regards Otto

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Found the mod. It got taken down for some very weird reason since this was by far the best alternate start mod OUT THERE. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post a download link to it but with some string pulling i eventually got a rare link to the download of the mod so pm me if you wish to have the link!
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Just told you that isn't the mod I'm talking about. Besides the one that I'm talking about had like nine thousand endorsements and had like 70k subscribed at the time. Not sure why it got taken down but it did. THREAD SOLVED! I found the mediafire download link on my own. PM Me if you want it as well
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