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Share your "stable" list of mods.


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Can you guys post your list of mods, I've been modding the past 4 days experimenting with the top must have mods but I often get a CTD or freeze. Especially around cities, whenever entering houses or exiting them. Is this because of incompatible mods? I have over 50 mods installed. I'm using ENB and Skyrim HD textures too, is it maybe because my PC can't handle it? I'm running at a smooth 30-40 fps with ENB and Skyrim HD btw. I have the latest version of SKSE, also downloaded ScriptDragon cause one of the mods I installed needed it.


My Skyrim version : 1.6.89

PC Specs: 550TI 1gb video card

8gb RAM

i5 3450 3.10 ghz processor


Please share your current mod lists (a stable list please) I would really want to actually start playing the game lol

Edited by repzaj1234
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