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Frame Skipping


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Well hello skyrim nexus forum :D.


So I have this problem with skipping frames everytime (atleast that's what I think) if another object spawns in or another grid get loaded. SO I changed the grid to 3 instead of 5 and saw no change. I don't think changing the draw distance is gonna help for objects or something. Im now first gonna try to disable all mods and see then what happens. Im already running in windowed mode and have all the updates installed including dawnguard which doesen't seem to work. Please help me :D.


I would appreciate it

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You mean you changed ugridstoload? If you change your grids backwards, it will not work unless you start a brand new game. Since you have already done this, you will probably need to redownload thhe game and start over.


Windows mode often causes more strain on your game than full screen.


Here are some useful links. It is impossible to say what your situation is exactly without knowing your computer/graphics/game specs, but if you go to these sites, you may find the solution.


BBens troubleshooting guide Because he is awesome, and so is his guide,


Nvidia's skyrim Tweak guide good for all cards, not just nvidia.(But especially good for Nvidia) I am sending you the page that talks about ugrids, but there are 20 pages total.


STEP I dont use it, but many do and there is a ton of info and support.

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thanks for the reply. Here are my system specs. forgot to add them.



Amd Phenom 1075t x6 running at 3.0ghz

4 gb of ddr3 ram

A very slow hdd which can be the probably but Im gonna get a new one soon


I have put the grid back to normal by the way. i already did the nvidia skyrim tweaking guide.

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You mean you changed ugridstoload? If you change your grids backwards, it will not work unless you start a brand new game. Since you have already done this, you will probably need to redownload thhe game and start over.


You can by alt-tabing out of the game, making ini edits, saving, reloading - and I have; no effect. I've brought it even down to 5 when before installing Dawnguard I used Ugrids of 7 with no problem, ~25 FPS. (I should note however, it may have been the 1.7 Patch as well; I started a new game with Dawnguard)


The game just stutters and drops down to single digit FPS when camera panning. It's something I've only seen very infrequently, and only once until everything is buffered. This is just constant - you can barely turn around without it happening. I've uninstalled every possible VRAM heavy mod I have only to gain 2-3 FPS but not fix this issue. Leads me to believe it's something on Bethesda's end unfortunately.

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I hope they will fix it soon because skyrim is unplayable for me. Keeps skipping frames. I've got no mods installed right now and it still skippes frames. Maybe somebody should make a mod fixing the problem :D. I can ofcourse try older drivers or something for my graphics card.
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Well. I'm not sure but I think Celestros' no effect is actually a negative effect. The problem is that once you go up with your ugrids, you can't effectively return to the lower ugidstoload. look here at Nvidi'a explanation of it. If you start over with a clean reinstall/new game, you can return to 5 gridstoload. There are a bunch of reasons, though, why you might have low fps. That link has a bunch of ideas for ways to improve your quality performance, regardless of which card you use.

Off hand, other things you might look at...

Correct me if I am reading your specs wrong, it looks like you have a geforce and a Radeon graphics driver? Have you tried disabling one of them? Some people have had issues with SLI/Crossfire.

You don't mention your CPU, but if it is dual core that will cause issues, or if you have Windows 32 bit.


I wouldn't give up, there are lots of people playing smoothly and you probably can too...

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I wouldn't give up, there are lots of people playing smoothly and you probably can too...



I wanted to thank you for this tid-bit of wisdom. I too have been having a lot of preformance issues and was considering scrapping the whole thing there for a while, then it occurred to me that i have a strong / newer computer so i'm pretty confident that it is not my hardware. (HP Pavilion HPE, 3.3 gig / 6 core AMD processor FX6100, 10gig of ram, AMD Raedeon HD 7450 graphics card) I know enough about computers to know that if it went wrong for you, it were wrong for someone else. And if that other guy with 1/2 the hardware you have can pull off those amazing graphics without his PC melting, by God....so can you!


So anyway, this is just a thank you to remind me not to allow the problem with preformance issues defeat me and rob me of what i'm sure will be an amazing experience...or at least one hell of a "learn as you go" project.


~ Lazlo ~

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well you are welcome...and you are tight, with your setup, you should be getting great results. If you want some help trying to figure it out, I'd be happy to try and I'm sure other people would be too. Just post a little more detail on your specific problems, maybe start a new thread? If no one helps PM me cause I might have just missed it. (but please be patient, it might take a day....) Also if you haven't already, check out the links earlier in the thread, they may help you.



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