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Dawnguard Vampire Head and Hand Color Mismatch (females only)


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Does anyone know what could possibly be causing the female Vampires in Dawnguard to have head and body mismatch? Male vampires are fine but the women have different colored heads and hands and i'll guess feet (i never looked at the feet). It's the exact same problem that happens when creating a custom NPC. By the way, I don't have any problems with normal females just female vampires....


I'm using CBBE as my body replacer and a custom/modified version of the sporty sexy body texture.



Thanks if you can help.

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Do you have FNIS and PCEA?


I'm not sure what the second one is but i don't think so. I definitely don't use FNIS.



Anyway, I've been playing Dawnguard a little more and i narrowed it down to the new "bat-face" vampires. The normal human-like vampires are fine, it's just the new ones that have the mismatch. Maybe they have an odd colored head texture.

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The new vampires use different head textures and normal maps, so it could be the reason. For me only the heads were different and it was caused by PCEA (PC Exclusive Animation). For some reason the new textures didn't work at all when i used the mod. Even though its only for animations it probaply does something to the meshes and the new textures wont load.


Maybe this will help in your case by replacing the new vampire textures with the normal head textures, to better match the CBBE body, you dont have to download the mod just follow the steps in the description http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/21656


Sorry for my bad English.

Edited by Kageryuu
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If you have body texture mods installed, you'd have to wait for the maker of that mod to replace/add the new textures added by the DLC. No?
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The new vampires use different head textures and normal maps, so it could be the reason. For me only the heads were different and it was caused by PCEA (PC Exclusive Animation). For some reason the new textures didn't work at all when i used the mod. Even though its only for animations it probaply does something to the meshes and the new textures wont load.


Maybe this will help in your case by replacing the new vampire textures with the normal head textures, to better match the CBBE body, you dont have to download the mod just follow the steps in the description http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/21656


Sorry for my bad English.


This mod only wortks for the player and not the NPC's. I'm having the same issue with some of the NPC vamps. Very frustrating. Its like early on mods before we knew about the shift+f4 fix!

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  • 5 months later...

I only have the problem with serana I think and it is a real pain and I don't know how to fix it. :( I have a PC I will list every mod I have bellow that has to do with her/skin textures:





Nexus Mods:


Better Females by Bella

Better Males: Faces/Hairstyles/Body by Chris57

Calientes Female Body Mod Big Bottom Edition -CBBE-

Normal Dawnguard Vampire Faces -ESP File by jm220

Serana Enhanced by Kassane

Vampire Lord Drain With Serana Fixed by Thivus

Vampire Face Less Sunken Cheeks - Females/Males by Devacore

Underworld Dawnguard: Vamire and Werewolf Eyes Red Iris White Eye Vamp by Anardion

Coverwomen seamless UNP and Coverwomen Look_4 by mrLenski


Steam Mods:


Castle Volkihar Revamped: Don't know why it would be this

Better Dawnguard Vampires

Werewolf Race Eyes

Vampire Crafting

Aela Facelift: Dont know why it would be this.


I am going to get a Mod that has Serana with no hood and if one works that does not harm her face please tell me. Because Skyrim is the game I play the most and getting ready for Dragonborn.

Edited by iGamingProdigy
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