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Mod List not working anymore


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For a good week or two i was having no trouble playing Skyrim. No Crashes I couldn't fix anyway.


But then the new update came out ( and even with the new SKSE build I've begun crashing on start up. I reinstalled all the mods, checked for updates and cleaned what could be cleaned safely but still nothing. Is this because one or two mods in my list isn't updated for the new SKSE version?


Here's my mod list. It's been pretty static for a while now give or take a few removals of mods I don't like...



0 0 Skyrim.esm
1 1 Update.esm
2 2 Dawnguard.esm
3 3 HearthFires.esm
4 4 Dragonborn.esm
5 5 RSkyrimChildren.esm
6 6 Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp
7 7 BSAssets.esm
8 8 BSHeartland.esm
9 9 BS_DLC_patch.esp
10 a FISS.esp
11 b BetterQuestObjectives.esp
12 c Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp
13 d Weapons Armor Clothing & Clutter Fixes.esp
14 e Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp
15 f SkyUI_SE.esp
16 10 Blowing in the Wind SSE.esp
17 11 Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods.esp
18 12 RLO - Interiors.esp
19 13 Summermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim.esp
254 FE 0 Unique Region Names.esp
20 14 The Great Cities - Minor Cities and Towns.esp
21 15 Skyrim Immersive Creatures Special Edition.esp
22 16 WeightOV - Balance - MERGED.esp
23 17 EconomyOverhaulandSpeechcraftImprovements.esp
24 18 RLO - Exteriors.esp
25 19 OBIS SE.esp
26 1a AKSkyrimUnderground.esp
27 1b Elemental Destruction.esp
28 1c SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators.esp
29 1d Fort(ified) Dawnguard.esp
30 1e MarriageModSE.esp
254 FE 1 (Pumpkin)-ARGO-ArmorRelatedGameplayOverhaul.esp
31 1f AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp
32 20 Andromeda - Unique Standing Stones of Skyrim.esp
33 21 Character Creation Overhaul.esp
34 22 AMX CCO Andromeda Patch.esp
35 23 Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp
36 24 Legendary Skyrim Crossbows.esp
37 25 Immersive Weapons.esp
38 26 Guards_Armor_Replacer.esp
39 27 Point The Way.esp
40 28 PrvtI_HeavyArmory.esp
41 29 Wintersun - Faiths of Skyrim.esp
42 2a Ars Metallica.esp
43 2b BecomeABard.esp
44 2c BetterQuestObjectives-AFTPatch.esp
45 2d DeadlyDragons.esp
46 2e Morning Fogs SSE.esp
47 2f Nordic Ruins of Skyrim.esp
48 30 Trade & Barter.esp
49 31 VioLens SE.esp
254 FE 2 Qw_WACCF_BSHeartland Patch.esp
254 FE 3 Qw_BeyondSkyrimBruma_USSEP Hotfix Patch.esp
50 32 Shor's Stone.esp
51 33 Immersive Patrols II.esp
52 34 Ivarstead.esp
53 35 BSHeartland - Unofficial Patch.esp
54 36 Helarchen Creek.esp
55 37 Kynesgrove.esp
56 38 Soljund's Sinkhole.esp
57 39 Karthwasten.esp
58 3a Missives.esp
59 3b The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp
60 3c BetterQuestObjectives-PaarDilemmaPatch.esp
61 3d Bound Armory Extravaganza.esp
62 3e Bound Shield.esp
63 3f EconomyOverhaulandEBQOPatch.esp
64 40 Bounty Gold.esp
65 41 BVFE.esp
66 42 CBBE.esp
67 43 CCO - Diverse Races And Genders.esp
68 44 CCO - Dynamic Skill Progression.esp
69 45 CCO - Oblivion Carry Weights.esp
70 46 Chesko_LoreBasedLoadingScreens.esp
71 47 Vivid WeathersSE.esp
72 48 DarkerNights.esp
73 49 dD-No Spinning Death Animation.esp
74 4a DiverseDragonsCollectionSE.esp
75 4b ogSplendorDragons.esp
254 FE 4 Deadly Dragons - DDC and Splendor.esp
76 4c EconomyOverhaul&TradeandBarterPatch.esp
77 4d EconomyOverhaulandMissivesPatch.esp
254 FE 5 Qw_WACCF_LSCrossbows Patch.esp
78 4e EconomyOverhaulandWACCFPatch.esp
79 4f Faction Crossbows.esp
80 50 FNIS.esp
81 51 HarvestOverhaul_Redone.esp
82 52 HarvestOverhaul_Redone_Creatures.esp
83 53 HoldBorderBanners.esp
84 54 honedmetal.esp
85 55 Hunters Not Bandits.esp
86 56 iHUD.esp
87 57 Ish's Respec Mod.esp
88 58 KatanaCrafting.esp
89 59 PaladinArtifactsAndArmor.esp
90 5a Landscape For Grass Mods Arthmoor's Shor's Stone PATCH.esp
91 5b Legionettes SE.esp
92 5c LowerBaseSkills[5].esp
93 5d Mortal Enemies.esp
94 5e MOD - Simply Better Movement Speeds (SSE).esp
95 5f ModestElderly.esp
96 60 Modest Elderly-WACCF Patch.esp
97 61 Moonlight Tales Special Edition.esp
98 62 MoonlightTalesMCM.esp
99 63 No NPC Greetings.esp
100 64 Predator Vision.esp
101 65 PrinceandPauper.esp
102 66 PrvtIRoyalArmory.esp
103 67 RaceMenu.esp
104 68 RaceMenuMorphsCBBE.esp
105 69 RaceMenuPlugin.esp
106 6a RealRainSEVivid.esp
107 6b RSChildren.esp
108 6c RSChildren Patch - BS Bruma.esp
109 6d skyforgedShields.esp
110 6e skyforgedWeapons.esp
111 6f SleepTight.esp
112 70 Snotgurg Simple Drop Lit Torches.esp
113 71 Unique Uniques.esp
114 72 ThaneWeaponsReborn.esp
115 73 TKDodge.esp
116 74 Visible Favorited Gear.esp
117 75 Vivid Weathers SE - Bruma Patch.esp
254 FE 6 VolkiharTablewareReplacerA.esp
118 76 WeightOV - Optional - Gold001.esp
119 77 WeightOV - Optional - Lockpick.esp
120 78 Bruma - SkyTEST Patch.esp
121 79 DarkerNights-BeyondSkyrimBruma.esp
254 FE 7 Deadly Dragons - Main Towns Not Safe Zones.esp
122 7a FemaleOutfitReplacer.esp
123 7b Humble House - Farmer - Whiterun House Only.esp
124 7c WeaponsOf3E_SSE.esp
125 7d Less Confrontational Animals (For SkyTEST).esp
126 7e OBIS SE - Immersive Weapons Patch.esp
254 FE 8 Qw_WACCF_RSChildren Patch.esp
127 7f Rough Leather Armor.esp
128 80 SimplePaladin.esp
129 81 Imperious - Races of Skyrim.esp
130 82 Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim.esp
254 FE 9 (Pumpkin)-ARGO-Ordinator.esp
131 83 EconomyOverhaulandOrdinatorPatch.esp
132 84 Elemental Destruction - Ordinator Patch.esp
133 85 HOR_OrdinatorPatch.esp
134 86 Ordinator - Beyond Skyrim Bruma Patch.esp
254 FE a Ordinator_WACCF_Patch.esp
135 87 Sacrosanct - Vampires of Skyrim.esp
136 88 Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp
137 89 CollegeOfWinterholdImmersive.esp
138 8a TheChoiceIsYours.esp
139 8b CFTO.esp
140 8c CWIOrdinatorPatchSSE.esp
141 8d Darkwater Crossing.esp
142 8e ethereal_elven_overhaul.esp
143 8f EEO Imperious patch.esp
144 90 EEO OBIS SE patch.esp
145 91 Whistling Mine.esp
146 92 RLO - IC Patch.esp
147 93 Landscape For Grass Mods -Immersive Citizens PATCH.esp
148 94 Realistic AI Detection 2 SE Lite.esp
254 FE b TCIY_Wintersun_Patch.esp
149 95 Wildcat - Combat of Skyrim.esp
150 96 UltimateCombat.esp
151 97 Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp
152 98 Alternate Start -- New Beginnings.esp
153 99 BetterQuestObjectives-AlternateStartPatch.esp
154 9a Landscape Fixes For Grass mods - Alternate start Locations.esp
155 9b Open Cities Skyrim.esp
156 9c Immersive Citizens - OCS patch.esp
157 9d Blowing in the Wind - Open Cities Skyrim Patch SSE.esp
158 9e CWIOCSSEPatch.esp
159 9f RealisticWaterTwo.esp
254 FE c RealisticWaterTwo - Beyond Skyrim Bruma.esp
254 FE d Unique Region Names - RealisticWaterTwo Patch.esp
254 FE e RealisticWaterTwo - Open Cities.esp
160 a0 WACCF_BashedPatchLvlListFix.esp


Edited by Highlord90
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you are not the only one, I believe that many have this problem. This is because the mods that require SKSE have not yet been updated to support the new version. I suggest reversing your Skyrim to earlier version and SKSE 2.0.12 back. They are the ones that are running for now.

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He has more problems than just the update, below


1) swap these - it specifically states on the patch description page that NO mod should load before the patch


5 5 RSkyrimChildren.esm
6 6 Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp


2) You can NOT use 150+ mods with out a bashed patch from Wrye or a smashed patch from Mator Smash


3) these should be loaded last ( directly above the patch file )


151 97 Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp
152 98 Alternate Start -- New Beginnings.esp



4) if you ever deleted any mods during that play through you can bet you are going to continue to have even more problems


Below is my guide, make sure to follow it STEP BY STEP and use the files in the box I made using the *************



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I've been running this list without any issues. I never got rid of a mod for crashes, just personal taste and the only crash I had had in two weeks was with Immersive College of Winterhold when I forgot to deactivate a plugin or two for the last part that lets you make Tolfdir the Archmage.


1. RS Children is an esm and should not load after the patch


2. I have never saw a need for a bashed patch but I did try it and it didn't improve stability in my old lists. I haven't added any mods since before the new update. No unexplained crashes and no bashed patch


3. Never had any issues with this being where it is and LOOT doesn't warn me about it


4. When I deleted a script heavy mod I always cleaned my saves with ReSaver.


I won't be using your guide but thanks for the advice

Edited by Highlord90
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Reverted to an old .exe and I', back up and running. Only issue is USSEP but they don't keep old versions so meh

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