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Extreme navmesh issues


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Im having terrible issues with navmesh, I cant seem to get my followers to go anywhere in my created cells no matter what I have tried. Ive done it manually as well as used to auto navmesh but I absolutley cant seem to get anything to work, help please? Id greatly appreciate it!!!
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Do they spawn in the cell, or are you trying to get them to enter from outside? If Inside, check them in creation kit, to make sure they're standing inside a triangle, rather than on a line or across multiple triangles. If from outside, make sure your outdoor navmesh is stretched up close enough to the door that they can activate from standing on it, and the same with the interior navmesh. Also, double check that you've finalized the navmeshes and all that.


Also, double check your steps against a tutorial. Here are a couple video tutorials, one from Bethesda themselves and one from darkfox127. There's also a creation kit official tutorial, if you prefer to have them open in the background, so you can keep referring to them.





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