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Adding a light node to a movable mesh - Possible?


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I am trying (and failing) to add a workable light node (a modified copy of the strobe light) to a movable mesh...


Does anyone know if this possible or am I just wasting my time.


If it is possible, is it possible to have it stop working if the mesh is moved, as in the parking meters and the stop lights that are scattered around the Commonwealth, I'd like them to flash red until they were knocked down and then stop working. I'm assuming that would require scripting of some sort.


I know of the strobe light, but it is a powered static item and I can't seem to convert it to work with these items.


I've searched the net for a tutorial on anything related to this and came up with nothing except an article on how to add light nodes, but I can not get it to work for moveable static items.

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