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Quick Q: Game Difficulty


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Part of a work around I am doing for a mod (Personal, maybe public if I get it working), I need to modify the multipliers for difficulty settings. I've had no luck finding them so far, so if some one could point me the Game > Settings > Variables


What the values do and their names would be great, thanks!

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I think the variables are:


fDifficultyDamageMultiplier 	10.000000 	
fDifficultyDefaultValue 	0.000000 	
fDifficultyMaxValue 	2.000000 	
fDifficultyMinValue 	-2.000000 	
fDiffMultHPByPCE 	1.500000 	
fDiffMultHPByPCH 	0.750000 	
fDiffMultHPByPCN 	1.000000 	
fDiffMultHPByPCVE 	2.000000 	
fDiffMultHPByPCVH 	0.500000 	
fDiffMultHPToPCE 	0.750000 	
fDiffMultHPToPCH 	1.500000 	
fDiffMultHPToPCN 	1.000000 	
fDiffMultHPToPCVE 	0.500000 	
fDiffMultHPToPCVH 	2.000000 	
fDiffMultXPE 		0.750000 	
fDiffMultXPH 		1.250000 	
fDiffMultXPN 		1.000000 	
fDiffMultXPVE 		0.500000 	
fDiffMultXPVH 		1.500000


What all these mean is anyone's guess, though.

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Haha, yeah. If anyone has any idea, it's be great. I've been messing around with fixing some of the Math-Mechanics for armor and other defenses. Because the game just purely isn't designed to be played on Mater or past level 30.
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I think the game difficulty changes damage ratios to make it easier or harder. Which is a lazy cop-out in my opinion.


But the levels are:


  Level       NPC vs Player damage
 Novice       1  to  4
 Apprentice   1  to  2
 Adept        1  to  1
 Expert       2  to  1
 Master       4  to  1


This means at Novice, you do 4 points of damage to every 1 point of damage NPCs do.

At Master NPCs do 4 poinrs of damage for every 1 point you do using the same weapon.

At Adept level all weapons do equal damage.


A better way they could of handled difficulty is to adjust NPC Skill level, AI smartness and the number of Mob NPCs.


More information on Skyrim UESP Wiki Difficulity Levels

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I think I've managed to find the files.


I think the game difficulty changes damage ratios to make it easier or harder. Which is a lazy cop-out in my opinion.


I agree completely, it's a really weak way of dealing with the issue. Though, they didn't test Mastery and the game was supposed to be played past level 30. Hopefully this collection of changes I'm compiling will help give people a reason to keep playing past level 30 and onwards.

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