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Thieves Guild Shelf - Missing trophy fix


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So as many may have noticed, Delvin and Vex offer random jobs in various cities to get the guild back on its feet. The more jobs you do, the further the guild progresses and you achieve artifacts for a set number of jobs completed which is displayed on the bookshelves behind the guildmaster's desk. However, some objects are reported to be "missing" or fail to spawn such as the jeweled pitcher upon completion of 75 small jobs from Delvin or Vex.


So if you're a perfectionist.completionist like me and wish to see your hard earned jeweled pitcher or any other artifact that you're missing, then you're in luck.


Firstly, open the console with the ~ key and search up the id of the item you're missing. For me, it was the jeweled pitcher and even after I completed 125 small jobs and got the safe, the pitcher never spawned.


*****Press ENTER after every line of entry to activate the command*****


help "jeweled pitcher"

^this help function is used for any item in skyrim, it will output the id and the triples 0's does not matter


player.placeatme "id of desired item" 1

^the item should now spawn in front of you, now the rough part of this little fix is that you have to manually place it in the bookshelf FIRST (eye of the falmer really doesn't matter since it's just an oval but for objects like the pitcher, it does since it has a bottom unless you want it upside down..


After the item is set upright, we will adjust the position


setangle x 0

getpos x

^this will output the current HORIZONTAL position of the item, you can adjust it as you see fit BUT just remove the decimals a.k.a only whole numbers.


setpos x XXXX

^the X's represent your desired position


setangle 0

getpos y

^^this will output the current VERTICAL position of the item, you can adjust it as you see fit BUT just remove the decimals a.k.a only whole numbers.


setpos y XXXX

^same concept as the x value


By now you have adjusted the object in your desired spot and it should remain in the bookshelf or where you want it to be, you can roam the world of skyrim and re-enter the ragged flagon cistern and find your item remain in place!


*****IF for some reason the items that DID spawn by talking to Delvin are falling off the shelf, simply...******


1. Click on the desired item so its ID number pops up on the console

2. Type in "recycleactor" (without quotes) and press ENTER

3. The item should now teleport back to its original spawn location on the shelf!

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I'm pretty sure you can get that with:


help TGRMasterTotal 3


The real question is why you'd want to do that many jobs. Boring. I just use "setstage TGRShell 160" (or 170, 180, 190) for the cappers at this point. Once you done the jobs 10 or 20 times, it's really just the same thing over and over again.

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Or, you know:




Should also give you the Pitcher. I'm not sure whether the Pitcher was really intended to be visible, though.


Even better! Apparently there's a script problem with the TGREnablerhandler because there's nothing that points to commanding the pitcher to appear.. I would expect to get something after doing 75 radiant quests but after I realized this was the case, I just edited the counter. There's really no point in grinding for rewards in a single player game, especially if it's just repetitive after 20 or so quests.

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